Chapter 73 (Noah)

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I watch as Jamie walks away from Mr Campbell, John's student teacher in Drum class, and Zara's older brother. She looks happy. Much happier than she looked when she was talking to me five minutes ago. I don't get it.

"What was the rush back there?" I turn to see Madison and Will approach me. They're both smiling, no doubt because of their new relationship. Will told me all about it when he and Maddie came by earlier this morning. He spent the night at her place last night, for which I'm extremely thankful.

"I was talking to Jamie." I say. If you can even class our exchange as a talk. She couldn't get away from me fast enough.

"Oh yeah?" Will grins at me. "Didn't talk to her enough last night, huh?"

"Shut up." I say to him. "Everything okay with your sister?"

Will drove the three of us over here this morning. Unnecessary, we live barely 5 minutes away. But he insisted. I have Track practice soon, so I can make up for the laziness then. His sister called him just as he pulled up in the parking lot, so Madison and I walked over to the main doors together while he talked to her. I figured he'd be right behind us, he sure took his time though.

"Yeah, she's fine. Just wanted to see if I'd go home for dinner tonight. She misses me." Will informs us.

"Aww, that's so sweet." Madison says, smiling up at her new boyfriend. He smiles back at her.

"I said no, of course. I'm spending tonight with you, no one else."

I roll my eyes as Madison and Will resume what they've been doing the entire morning so far. Gazing into each others eyes lovingly and smiling like idiots. I turn and walk away from them, down the hall. I doubt they'll even notice. But I'm not in the mood for third wheeling with them any longer.

I walk past Shaun Campbell, who's now standing talking to some guy in the hall. I've never given this guy a second thought before, but looking at him now, I decide I don't like him. He's Jamie's type, there's no doubt about that. He kinda looks like me, annoyingly, besides the tattoos. I know Jamie likes tattoos though, so I guess she'd be into his inked sleeves. I don't like tattoos. She certainly looked very happy while she was talking to him, anyway.

I don't get it. What went wrong last night? The sex was unbelievable. I mean, I knew it would be with her, but it completely blew my expectations out of the water. I hadn't expected it to be as amazing as it was. I could barely get to sleep after she left last night, because all I could think about was the way she shook and called out my name when she was climaxing beneath me in my bed. Best fucking feeling in the world. It was unbelievable sex, there's absolutely no question about that. So, what went wrong after?

I've been going over it in my head ever since she left my dorm last night. I mean, we both came. We took a few minutes to catch our breath. I left the room to get rid of the condom, and when I got back, she was still laying in my bed under the blankets. I took that as a good sign. If she wanted to leave, she would have gotten up and started getting dressed, right? But she didn't. She stayed in my bed, naked. So I got in next to her, wrapped an arm around her, and asked her to stay.

But she said no. She didn't wanna spend the night with me. She just wanted to leave. And I thought her excuse was pretty believeable. Of course she wouldn't leave her dog in the house on his own all night. But I know she could have asked one of the guys to go over and stay with Benji. Which got me thinking - she doesn't wanna tell people. If that is the case, I'm totally fine with that. I'm a private guy myself, and what Jamie and I do is between us. But, I didn't think she'd wanna be so private about it. She's so open and uncensored all the time. I couldn't see her keeping me her dirty little secret. I just... I don't get it.

I told her I like her too. That was fucking huge for me. I thought I did everything right, and I was sure that her deciding she wanted to fuck me was confirmation of that. I guess not. She was so cold towards me just now. What the fuck is going through her head? I have no idea, and I've never been in a situation like this before. I never wanna talk to girls again after sleeping with them. But it's different with her. She knows that. Doesn't she?

I don't know what to do. I should text her and reassure her. I know I should. But the truth is, I don't really want to. Not after the way she acted toward me back there. And after seeing how happy she looked with Shaun Campbell just now.

I am beyond confused. I have no idea what to do for the best. And honestly? I don't wanna think about it right now. Possibly not today at all. I wanna run, and try to shake off these annoying feelings. Track practice is soon. I can deal with my shit then.

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