Chapter 70 (Will)

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"And what about that time you were making out with me under the bleachers, then you pushed me away and ran off on a date with Rebecca DuPont?" Maddie asks.

"Same answer. She's nothing compared to you, she never was. I was scared of how I felt about you. That was all."

"Hmm, okay." Maddie still sounds skeptical, I know she'll come around though. She's gonna have a lot of questions about the shitty things I've done, and that's fine. It's understandable. She has every right to question me, and I'll listen and answer her honestly. Because, she's mine now. And I'm not looking back or letting go.

Even though I know she has her reservations about this, I'm the happiest I have ever been right now, laying in Maddie's bed with her resting her head on my bare chest, one arm wrapped around my waist. This is my new favourite place, and what we just did is my new favourite hobby. Hopefully.

"Maddie, you should have told me before..." I say, and she props herself up on one elbow to look me in the eye.

"Maybe, but I didn't. And that was my choice. You need to respect that, William." She raises an eyebrow at me and I can't stop myself from smiling.

"Okay, that's fair. But if I'd known..." I start.

"If you'd known, you wouldn't have given me the full Will Archibald experience. And that's what I wanted." She says, before laying down on my chest and hugging me again. "Like I said, my choice."

"All right, all right." I say with a laugh. "And how was the full Will Archibald experience?"

"There's only one word to describe how you just made me feel." She says, and my smile widens.

"Bliss? Heaven? Perfection?" I suggest.

"Pain." She says, and I frown.

"I didn't wanna hurt you, baby." I say, concerned. "I wish you'd told me, I would have been more gentle. Are you okay?"

"Will, shut up." She says, causing my smile to return. "I'm sore, but I'm totally fine. This is normal. I didn't want you to be gentle."

"Well, next time, I'll try to be less...excited." I offer, and she laughs.

"Yeah, sure. You couldn't get my dress off quick enough. Less excited my ass." She moves her head so that she can smile up at me. I grin down at her and kiss her on the forehead.

"As soon as your dress hut the bedroom floor, I couldn't control myself. You can't blame me." I say, and she rolls her eyes.

"Typical male." She says.

"How would you know?" I tease, and she thumps me on the chest playfully with her fist.

"Shut up, asshole." She says. "Don't make fun of me for not being a slut. I'm very proud that I held on to my virginity for 18 years, thank you very much."

"I know, I'm only kidding. I respect you so much for it." I tell her. "And I love the fact that I'm the only guy you've ever been with. So, so much."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not gonna boost your ego anymore, so we're done talking about this." She says jokingly.

"Okay, we don't need to talk about it anymore tonight." I agree. The fact that Maddie just gave me her virginity is making me very fucking happy. It happened, we don't need to keep going on about it. However...

"If we're not gonna talk about it though, maybe we could try it again?" I suggest playfully. "It won't be so painful once you do it a few more times. And practice makes perfect, you know..."

"Behave yourself, Will." She says with a laugh. "I know you want me, you won't stop telling me. But you just had me. And we have time now. If you really meant everything you said earlier, we have all the time in the world."

"I did mean everything I said." I assure her. "And I'll never stop wanting you. So, just let me know when you're ready for round two. I'll be waiting."

"I'll be sure to let you know." She says, as she nuzzles her head into my chest and tightens her grip around my waist. "For now, sleep. I'm exhausted. This night has really taken it out of me."

"Oh, you know it has." I say, earning another playful thump. She knows I'm just kidding around. "You know, I hear morning sex is amazing. Maybe in the morning..."

"You've never had morning sex before?" She asks, surprised.

"No, never." I assure her, and I can tell she's smiling.

"Well, maybe in the morning then." She says, and I squeeze her in response to the overwhelming affection I'm feeling towards her right now. I kiss her on the head again, before closing my eyes and preparing to fall asleep with Maddie in my arms for the first time. Something else I've never done with a girl before. It never felt right. It does now. As I start to drift off, one question wanders around my mind. It's a thought that makes me feel relaxed and happy. Not anxious and unsure. It's a good thought. I like it. No, it's an amazing thought, and I love it; How did I get so lucky?

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