Chapter 10 (Noah)

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I'm standing at the bar in Club T, with a beer in my hand, pretending to listen to whatever this girl in front of me is saying. I remember her from the Freshman Welcome Party. She has purple eyes, her name is Madison something, and she really seemed to hate Will. He told me to steer clear of her, because apparently she's crazy. They have history, I know that, and I can't understand why she seems to think I'd have any interest in pursuing her. She's clearly trying to flirt with me right now, and I'm not into it. Even if she didn't have history with my roommate, I would not be into her at all. I don't have a type as such, but I know that she is definitely not my type. She keeps throwing her head back and fake laughing and touching my arms and batting her fake eyelashes at me. She's the kind of girl I feel like telling it's not gonna happen, you're wasting your time, bye but I'm trying this new thing where I'm respectful to women, so I can't say that. As much as I want to.

"So, you're single right?" She asks me, flashing her perfect teeth at me.

Where the fuck is Will? I text him and told him we were here, he said he was leaving the Grill like ten minutes ago. Club T is only up the street. What's taking him so long?

"Uh, yeah." I reply, looking past her trying to spot Will.

"Awesome." She's delighted. "And whatever Will's told you about me, just ignore him. He's a dick."

"He's my roommate though, and I think he's okay." I raise an eyebrow at her. She needs to get the message here.

"Ugh, whatever, never mind him." She tosses her blonde hair over her shoulder again.

"Maddie, are you playing nice?" A small girl with short pink hair has approached us. Her make up is crazy, she has blue eyelashes, purple lips, and pink eyelids. She's wearing a green pullover and an orange skirt, reminding me a little of a carrot. But she has such a nice genuine smile on her face right now, she seems likable. Much more so than her conventionally pretty friend, Maddie.

"You know me, Zo. I always play nice." Madison says, turning to the multicoloured carrot girl beside her. "Enough."

Madison bursts out laughing again and her friend rolls her eyes before turning her attention back to me.

"Hi, I'm Zoe. Maddie's number 1." She holds out her hand, looking for a handshake. So I comply.

"Noah. Nice to meet you. I'm Will Archibald's roommate."

"No kidding..." Zoe says, giving Madison a questioning look.

"It doesn't matter who he shares a dorm with, Zo. Look at him!" Madison gestures her hands at me. Um... "He's like Zac Efron and young Brad Pitt combined. But with dark hair, of course."

"Not doing it for me." Zoe says, looking me up and down. Uh, I'm standing right here?

Both girls start laughing, and Madison says "yeah, what else is new? Where's Zara?"

"She's around. Dancing with Shaun I think." Zoe replies. I wonder if Zara is Madison's number 2.

"Ladies, I hope you're being nice to Mr Adams here." Saved by the bell, Will's here. Finally.

"Hey, Will." Zoe greets him casually.

"Do you mind? We were having a civilized conversation." Madison says, eyeing Will with loathing.

I don't miss the way Madison's scary lavender eyes kind of lit up as soon as she heard Wills voice. I'm no expert at this, but I have a feeling her distaste for him is fuelled by something other than hatred.

"Great, we can all be civilized together then." Will says, winking at Madison.

"Ugh, you are such an ass, Will Archibald!" Madison yells at him, before turning on her heel and stomping off.

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