Chapter 58

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I walk back over to the sofa and sit down. I'm still in a state of shock, and I have absolutely no interest in partying anymore. Noah has walked out on me, again. Noah has made me feel like shit, again. Noah has said all the wrong things to me. Again! So, why the hell do I still like him so much!?

This isn't fair. Why don't we have a choice with these things!? I want a nice boy, one that actually smiles every now and again. One that I can talk to and hang out with and laugh with, but one that can also get my pulse racing and set my heart on fire. I'm not asking for too much, am I?

Fuck if I know. But I do know that I am never gonna have that type of relationship with Noah. He's never gonna be mine. I need to keep telling myself that, so that I can move the fuck along.

I sigh and rest my head back against the sofa. Okay, I can't stay up here all night. New plan. I will finish this drink, stand up, walk downstairs, then go home. I'll text Jay and the guys and tell them I was tired or something. Great.

"Fancy seeing you here, Superstar."

I sit up bolt upright. As much as I don't wanna talk to this guy right now, he's impartial to my Noah turmoil, and maybe that's exactly what I need.

"What do you want, Shaun?" I ask, making no effort to mask the contempt from my tone.

"Just wondered where the hell you got to." He says with a smile as he walks over to the couch and sits down. "You totally ruined Truth or Dare, by the way. The game was done as soon as you left."

"Shame, we all know how cool Truth or Dare is." I say with an eye roll, and Shaun laughs. It's nice to hear a laugh right now, even if it is coming from him.

"Very cool. Besides having to watch you make out with some other dude." He winks at me, to let me know he's kidding. He doesn't give a fuck about me making out with anyone else.

"He was hot." I shrug my shoulders.

"You're hot." Shaun looks me up and down. I walk into his comebacks far too easily. Note to self, watch what I say to this guy.

"Yeah, yeah. You wanna have sex. Whatever, I know. It's not happening, okay? So can you just, chill out a little?" I say, because I am getting tired of his relentless lines.

"Okay, my bad." He says, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "Clearly, you're having a crappy night. I didn't mean to make things worse. Why are you sitting up here on your own, anyway?"

"I hate everyone." I reply with an insincere smile, because I don't wanna tell him the real reason I'm sitting up here on my own.

"Me too. Between you and me, I only came here tonight because I wanted to see you." He grins at me, and I sigh again.

"Seriously, Shaun? Are you capable of being serious, like, ever? You're a teacher, for fuck sake."

"I know. I'd have thought you'd jump at the opportunity to fuck a teacher. There's something hot about that, right? Older guy. Teacher. Taboo." He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I get to my feet. I need to get away from him for two reasons. One, I'm done with this shit, and two, he kind of has a point...

"I'm going home. Bye, Mr Campbell." I say, walking towards the balcony door.

"Already? It's still early?" He says, following me over to the door.

"Yeah, well, I've had enough fun for one night." I mutter.

"Okay, well, let me drive you home."

"What?" I spin around to face him again. "No."

"Why not? You're drunk. I'm not."

"Um, maybe because we aren't friends. I can get home on my own." I point out.

"Come on, you've clearly had quite a few drinks, it's a five minute drive." He folds his arms across his chest and smiles at me. "This is me trying to be nice for a change, instead of hitting on you."

I consider this. He does seem genuine. And a ride would mean I'd be home sooner.

"Fine." I say, throwing my hands up dramatically, causing him to laugh at me. "Thanks."

"Not a problem, Superstar. Mr Campbell, at your service." I head through the doors into the house, with Shaun just behind me. I am pleasantly surprised at his kind offer to drive me home. "In more ways than one if you want."

He just had to ruin it.


Shaun pulls up in my driveway, and I try not to break my neck as I hop out of his expensive Range Rover. Honestly, who needs a car this big? He gets out too and walks me to my front door. Unnecessary, but he was surprisingly nice during the ride over here. He made normal small talk, rather than making sexual advances. Progress.

"Nice place." He comments, taking in my house. "Your dad works away, right?"

"Yes, and no, I am not inviting you in." I stick my tounge out at him and he laughs. He's annoyingly pretty when he laughs. "Thanks again for the ride."

"Anytime, Superstar." I choose to ignore this as I open the front door and Benji immediately pounces on me. Shaun laughs again. God.

"Benji, calm down. Go get one of your toys!"

"Benji? Hey boy." Shaun addresses my dog, and steps into my home uninvited to pet him. I don't mind.

"You like dogs?" I ask, closing the door behind Shaun to keep Benji from running out on to the street.

"I love dogs. Who doesn't?" Shaun says as he pets Benji.

"Wow, you're capable of love? There's the shock of the night right there." I can't resist.

"I'm full of surprises. You should remember that." Shaun says with a wicked grin, straightening up and facing me.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes at him again. He laughs again. Maybe it would be okay if he stayed for a little while. He is a good distraction from Noah, at the very least.

"Coffee?" I ask, and his eyes widen in surprise, before his features relax and he grins at me again.

"I think I need to get on your level. Got anything stronger?"

"For fuck sake, Shaun. I'm not drunk." I insist. I'm a little tipsy, that's all.

"And neither am I. Let's get drunk together." He suggests playfully, and I swat him over the head.

We head through to the kitchen, and for some reason, I don't put the kettle on. I reach for two whiskey glasses and a bottle of Jack Daniels. I don't even know what Shaun drinks. Maybe he doesn't like Jack Daniels. He looks delighted anyway, and he isn't disagreeing with what I'm doing as I pour our drinks.

Bad decision? Probably. But I feel like I'm incapable of making any good decisions lately. Maybe a bad decision will do me the world of good tonight.

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