Chapter 95 (Noah)

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It's after fucking midnight by the time I leave Zach and John's. That talk was too much. 

It's fair to say John was not impressed with Zach's story about the sharing game. I knew he wouldn't be, but god, he had so many questions. So much more questions than I thought he would have. 

But we got through it. John wasn't happy, but he understands. He may be decent, much more decent than Zach and me, but he's a red blooded male deep down. And hell, I even discovered that he has actually had sex before. Who knew? He's only done it the one time, but fuck, John McDermott actually isn't a virgin. This night has been fucking full of surprises. 

When I get in to my own dorm, I'm surprised and annoyed to see that Will and Madison aren't in his bedroom. They're sitting watching a movie together, wrapped up in each others arms on the couch. Disgusting. And I still haven't heard from Sarah or Jamie, so I still have no fucking idea what the hell happened with Jamie earlier. I'm exhausted, and I wanna go to sleep so bad. But this Jamie thing is bugging the hell out of me, too. 

"Hey, dude." Will says, "Was the rest of the dance okay? Did you talk to Jamie?"

"No, I didn't." I say sharply, shrugging out of my suit jacket and tossing it down on to the kitchen counter. "I'm surprised I haven't heard from her though, especially after that fucking text I didn't send her last night."

I glare at Madison as she rolls her eyes at me, and Will looks horrified. Yeah, he knew Madison went through my phone, and he didn't do a fucking thing to stop her. Thanks, man. 

"Dude, I tried to stop her!" Will starts, and Madison shoves him hard. 

"Excuse me!?" She says. "You went into your bedroom and left me to get on with it! You hardly put up much of a fight."

"Maddie, shut up!" He hisses at her. 

"Whatever." I say, because I don't have time for their crap right now. I just wanna go lay in bed and stare up at my roof and try to figure out how the hell things between me and Jamie were so good after we slept together on Thursday night, and now everything is completely fucked up. 

"Did you go over to Hawkins' house to try and talk to her?" Madison asks casually, like that would be such a normal thing for me to do after Jamie stormed away from me and told me to leave her alone. "Have you called her or anything?"

"No Madison, I haven't. Why the hell would I?" I bark at her, earning a frown from Will. 

"Duh, to try and get to the bottom of why she has such a gigantic stick up her ass all of a sudden." 

I sigh and pull my hands through my hair as Madison continues talking. 

"I mean, you guys had sex the other night, then she shows up here with coffee and pretty much drops it on her way out without a word, then she yells at you and rushes off from a college dance. I mean, I know she's a weirdo, but, none of that makes sense to me."


"She dropped coffee over here? Huh?" Will asks his girlfriend, clearly as clueless as I am. I rush over to them, startling them both. 

"Madison, what are you talking about? When did she come over here with coffee?" I ask, impatient to hear the answer. 

"This afternoon." Madison says, looking between me and Will innocently. "Didn't I mention that?"

"Um, no, you most certainly didn't!" I yell at her. 

"You didn't mention it to me, babe." Will says softly, frowning at me again. 

"Yeah, she showed up with two Symposium cups when you were in the shower." Holy fuck. "I told her to wait for you, but she just ignored me and left. I didn't think much of it, you know, because she's a weirdo." 

"You didn't think much of it?!" I explode, "Madison, are you a fucking idiot!?"

I'm pacing, my hands are in my hair, and I'm freaking the fuck out. Suddenly, it all makes sense to me.

"Dude, not cool." Will says, I ignore him.

"You guys, Jamie has no fucking idea that the two of you are together! As far as she knows, you fucking hate each other! And she came over here when I was in the shower, and you were..."

Oh my god. It's bad. It's so bad.

"Maddie, were you dressed when Jamie came by?" Will asks tentatively. He already knows the answer.

"She was walking around over here in her fucking underwear!" I shout at Will. "And I was in the shower! Oh my fucking god! How could you not have realised how that must have looked!?"

"I'm sorry, okay!? I didn't think!" Madison yells.

"No, you sure fucking didn't!" I can't believe this!

"And tonight, at the dance..." Fuck me, this just gets worse and worse. "We were fucking slow dancing together when she saw us! Right before she ran off! Oh my god, Madison, how didn't you figure this out!?"

"Okay, man, just calm down!" Will yells at me, getting up off the couch. "She already said she was sorry."

"I don't give a shit!" I spit at him. "this is completely her fault! You sent Jamie that text from my phone! Then she saw you over here in your underwear! This is all your fucking fault!"

"Noah, you need to calm down." Madison says.

But I can't calm down. Not now. What the fuck? This is so stupid! Jamie's pissed because she thinks I'm sleeping with Madison!? And I'm fucking not! Jesus Christ, I need to sort this out, right now.

I dart through to my room to change. Jamie told me to leave her alone, but I can't. I need to explain myself. I need to see her. It's approaching 1 o clock in the morning, but I don't give a fuck. I need to see her and let her know that she's got this completely wrong.

Without a second thought, or another word to Will and Madison, I'm out the front door and running over to Jamie's house.

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