Chapter 41 (Noah)

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I'm totally fine with Will now. I'm over it. Yes, I got a bit of a shock when he told us he has history with Jamie. And yes, there was something like jealousy coursing through me when I thought about what could have gone on between those two. But, after John and Zach left, and Will and I bumped into each other in our kitchen (after I'd cooled off significantly) he told me the whole story about him and Jamie. And it is fucking lame. 

They did have sex, which was no surprise, but they only did it once. I could have hugged him when he told me that, but obviously, I didn't. He also told me about the little bet his asshole friends had going on. Turns out Will is a dick after all. 

And that's not all, he told me about Madison Hudson. About how he's been leading her on for years, by telling her all the things she wants to hear, and even making out with her under the bleachers at High School a few times, then dropping her like she was nothing when a better offer came along. Will's current relationship with Madison doesn't really make sense to me, he says he's only talking to her now to try and make amends for the way he treated her in High School, but I don't know. Madison's friend Zoe told me there are two sides to every story, so I'm not taking too much from anything Will tells me about Madison.

I did bring up the fact that he heard me and Jamie talking outside the bathrooms at the Grill. I asked him what he was doing, sneaking around the hallway. He told me he'd never mention it again if I didn't. That's good enough for me. I know he was with Madison, and I highly doubt he was just talking to her, just like I wasn't just talking to Jamie. Whatever.

Will is pulling up in the parking lot at the beach, and it's already crowded. There are loads of cars here, and loads of college kids milling around with red plastic cups and acoustic guitars. The whole ride down here, John tried to convince me and Will to talk to Jamie and tell her that we're roommates. I have absolutely no problem with that, other than the fact that she probably won't wanna talk to me, much less take me home, after she finds out. Will took a little convincing, he doesn't think we should tell her tonight. Big crowd, alcohol, potential for her to cause a scene. But, John said he isn't gonna lie about it, so he intends to tell her himself if it comes to it. He even texted her and told her that he wants to talk to her. So one way or another, Jamie is gonna find out that my roommate is her shitty ex tonight.

Down on the sand, there's a fire pit surrounded by logs for sitting on, there are multiple tables set up with alcohol and cups, and there are at least 20 kegs. The drinks are gonna be in full flow tonight. We make our way over to the tables and add our contribution (a couple of bottles of vodka, and a six pack) before helping ourselves to a beer each. And through the sea of people, the first person I recognise is Madison Hudson, with her laser purple eyes. Will notices her too, but before he can make his excuses, I grab him by the arm.

"You aren't ditching us, not tonight." I tell him. "whatevers going down, you're gonna be here for it."

He nods at me grudgingly, before looking over at Madison again. She's talking to Zoe, and another girl I've never seen before. She has chocolate skin, midlength black hair, full painted lips, and yeah, she's fucking gorgeous. She reminds me a little of Rihanna. I would absolutely jump at the chance to sleep with that girl, but from the way she's looking at Zoe, I have a feeling she would throw up at the thought of sleeping with me. This must be Zoe's girlfriend, Zara.

"That's Zara. Have you met her yet?" Will tells me, confirming my assumption.

"No, but Zoe seems cool. I'm sure Zara's a great girl." I say casually, sipping my beer and looking over in the direction of the fire pit. Some guys have started playing their guitars and singing now, and a crowd are forming around them, singing along to whatever song they're playing.

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