Chapter 65

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Monday, and I'm skipping English Lit class again. Nothing to do with Noah this time, I'm good with him now. After our trip to NYC together, I really do think I'm good with him. Over him? Not a chance. But at least we're getting along well.

No, today I'm skipping class because I needed to avoid Aubrey. She knows my schedule, and she will not stop hounding me. She wants me to do the one thing in this world that I hate the most. The very word sends a cold chill down my spine. I won't do it, and she can't make me!


Okay, so I'm being dramatic. But I really do hate going shopping, unlike most girls. The stores are always so crowded and I hate the pressure the sales people put you under and ugh, I'd just rather not. Aubrey threatened to drag me out of class and march me over to the mall with her today, because I don't have a costume for the upcoming Halloween Dance. I declined continuously, and she would not take no for an answer. So, here I am, hiding out at Joel and Patrick's place.

"What are you wearing to the dance, anyway?" I ask Joel. "It's this Saturday, I assume you and Patrick are prepared?"

"Yeah, I've got a skeleton costume, and Patrick's going as a werewolf. I'm not sure about Jay though?"

"Devil." I inform Joel, and he laughs. Jay always dresses as the devil for Halloween. I don't know why, I guess he bought some devil ears and a forked tail years ago and just chooses to recycle it every year.

"What about you? Why so reluctant to let Aubrey take you shopping for a costume?" Joel asks me, making a bad job of hiding the amusement from his face. He knows I hate dressing up.

"I don't care about a costume, I'll put it off as long as I possibly can. If I pick something up on Friday night, I might get a good bargain."

"And you might not get a good costume. That's leaving it very late, Jame." Joel points out. I don't care, and he knows it.

"Whatever. Talk to me about Philly. How's Melody?"

Anything to distract me from my almost constant thoughts about Noah. And of course, I've been meaning to check in with Joel about stuff since we recorded 09-23. That's the date of his parents wedding, by the way. He tells me about his most recent trip to Philadelphia, and he sounds so happy. I'm not worried about him at all, he's definitely good. I think recording the song really did do him the world of good.

When Patrick gets in from college, I realise it's pretty late in the afternoon now, and I'm probably okay to escape and head home. Hopefully Aubrey won't come looking for me.

I get home, and congratulate myself on a successful day of avoiding Aubrey. She's called and texted me, but I've ignored her. She'll get bored and give up soon. Maybe I should text John and tell him to take her shopping, that would definitely distract her from her mission to get me to the mall. I don't bother, it's not really that big of a deal. If she shows up here, I'll just tell her no. Again.

I settle myself down to some homework after taking Benji for a walk. The guys are coming by to play later, so I'll use my free time wisely. I won't sit and think about Noah. I won't obsess over what I should wear for our final get together in a few nights time (Thursday night. There's no Open Mic this coming week because the Halloween Dance is on Saturday. They cancel the Open Mic every year the week of the Halloween Dance. Fuck knows why, I guess because they assume people are too busy running around getting last minute costumes together to worry about going to the Grill). Whatever, I won't think about Noah tonight. I fucking won't.

But of course, I do. It's gonna be the last time I have to see Noah. So, this could be the last opportunity for... What exactly? I'm not gonna make any moves on him, obviously. We're getting along well, and I intend to keep it that way. But, I don't know. I wanna try and establish some kind of relationship with him. I don't want this to be the end of me and Noah, as much as I know it should be. I still need to get over him, remember? I still haven't hooked up with anyone else either. I have officially just been coasting through life, in hopes that one day I'll wake up and suddenly my feelings for Noah will have randomly evaporated. It doesn't work like that, though. Time will help me move on, but... I don't want to. I'm still too caught up on him. I don't want Wednesday night to be the last time I spend time with him.

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