Chapter 19 (Noah)

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I knew she'd enjoy this, because I've never had negative feedback before. I mean, I don't wanna big myself up too much, but I do know what I'm doing. Im a good listener, and at this stage in my life, I have been with a lot of girls. When they told me what they liked, I listened. The more experience I've gained, the more skillful I've become. And it probably helps that I lost my virginity to my only female friend, Sarah. We gave each other pointers, she told me to try kissing her neck and her stomach etc and it turned out she really liked it. Most girls do, in my experience. And Jamie Hawkins most certainly does.

I took my time on purpose, knowing how much it would build her up. And now that I'm finally going down on her, I know it's not gonna take long. She's biting her lip, trying to stop herself from moaning too loudly, but it isn't working. She can't help it, she can barely breathe, she needs to open her mouth and just let it out. And she does. She's moaning so loudly now, shes practically screaming, and I know she's almost there. She's bucking her hips up and down, she's pulling my fucking hair out while applying pressure to my head, she doesn't need to, but I know some girls like to do this. She's close.

I quicken my movements, and I can feel her squeezing my body with her legs. Her breathing has become so rapid, I know she's almost there. Just a minute or two more, probably.

But, what happens after that? I'm so fucking turned on, and I cannot believe how much I wanna just pull my jeans and boxers down and fuck her right now. I'm an idiot, really. When she sat down on the bed, she was gonna remove my jeans for me. I knew she was about to do that, and I got over excited and decided to take charge of the situation myself. If I hadn't, I would probably be cumming down her throat right now. Why am I such an idiot?

Because, I wanted to please her. I love hearing girls moan, and knowing that it's because of what I'm doing to them. I'm glad to know I can make Jamie feel this way, because she's cool. She's funny, she's nice, she's my English Literature partner.

Wait, she's my English Literature partner. What the hell are we doing? I have certainly sobered up slightly since leaving the club, but I'm still pretty drunk. We both are. We shouldn't be doing this, and I know we're gonna regret this in the morning. Fuck. Why am I so weak?

I stop what I'm doing and lift my head up to look at her, and I feel like a complete asshole because she was right on the edge of an orgasm. Her heart is pounding and her chest is rising and falling so quick as she tries desperately to catch her breath. Her eyes are closed, I need to give her a minute before I piss her off completely.

But, look at her, lying half naked in front of me. I haven't even gotten in to her bra yet, and I want to. Fuck, I want to. I was saving that for after. But, maybe it's a good thing I didn't make a move to take her top off. If I had, and if she was lying completely naked in front of me right now, with her legs spread, gasping for breath like this, I would not be able to resist bury myself into her and fucking her all night long. Christ. If I can do this, I deserve a medal.

"Why did you stop?" She breathes. She can barely talk. And she knows I know that she was very close just now.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly, because I know she's gonna be pissed about this.

"What?" She props herself up on her elbows, and pulls her legs up in an attempt to hide her modesty. I pick up her shorts and hand them to her. She doesn't look happy as she puts them back on. And I'm willing my hard on to go down.

"We shouldn't be doing this, I'm sorry." I say. "We're gonna be working together, you know? It could be awkward."

She rolls her eyes and sighs. "It's gonna be awkward now anyway, Noah!"

"I know. And believe me, I really want to... I really fucking want to." I run my hands through my hair and close my eyes. I'm doing the right thing here, I am.

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