Chapter 62

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I'm flying around the house straightening up a little, because I have been neglecting my chores just a tad lately. Patrick and Jay are sitting in my living room drinking coffee, not offering to help me at all. Joel left for Philly again earlier. He has been going to his brother Jordan's a lot lately, come to think of it. I slide to a halt in front of the open living room door en route to the kitchen, carrying the laundry hamper from the bathroom upstairs.

"Hey, so, is Joel, like, okay?" I ask the guys. "He's been going back and forth to Philly much more than usual, right?"

"He's fine." Patrick says with a laugh as I drop some underwear on to the floor accidentally, oops. "Just enjoying some quality time with the family, is that so wrong?"

"Not at all!" I exclaim, before rushing through to the laundry room off the kitchen. "But he literally got back from Philly yesterday, and he's off again today. That is weird!" I yell out as I stuff the washing machine full of dirty clothes.

"Jame, we just recorded all of our songs and put them on to Spotify for the world to hear." Jay says as I walk back through to the living room. "Think about it."

"I know, I have thought about it. He said he was cool though, he seemed happy after we recorded 09-23."

09-23 is a very special song to all of us, but mostly to Joel. We wrote it about his parents. Jay came up with most of the lyrics, as usual, and Joel approved them. He even added in some lyrics of his own. He doesn't sing, of course, but hearing Jay and I sing his words back to him means so much to him, he's told us so. We never play 09-23 live, because it's so raw and Joel said he didn't want to. Until he tells us he wants to play the song live, we never will. But now it's on Spotify, and I know he let Jordan and Melody hear it the other day when he was in Philly. They both loved it. It's slow and emotional, and it's the perfect ode to his parents.

"He is happy that the song is out there, J2. But come on, it's gotta be effecting him. It's opened up a wound that's never gonna fully heal anyway, you know?" Patrick says kindly.

"Yeah, I know." I smile at Patrick. "I love that Jordan and Melody like the song too though. We should have gone to Philly this weekend too, it's been a while since we saw them."

"I did suggest that." Patrick informs us. "But Joel made up some excuse. He just wants to be alone with his family, and I respect that."

"Me too." I say, at the same time Jay says "same here."

"We are visiting them soon, though." I say with a big smile, before heading for the stairs. I need to take my laptop and charging cable down to the kitchen. There is no way in hell I'm working with Noah in my bedroom tonight...


Baggy sweater and old jeans on, hairs a mess, glasses, no contacts, and absolutely no make up on my face whatsoever. Noah Adams, I am ready for you. Not that I assume we'd end up in similar situations we've been in at my house, but best not to put any effort into my look, just in case.

I kicked Jay and Patrick out about a half hour ago, and I've been scrolling through my laptop at the kitchen table ever since, anxiously awaiting Noah's arrival. When the doorbell finally rings, I jump up to my feet and immediately rush through to the hall. I'm so hyped up. I need to calm down. This is fine. We're getting our assignment done at last. Tonight is essential, I have nothing to worry about. I'm cool, and I'm confident. I can tell myself that, anyway.

When I open the door and see him, I plaster a forced smile across my face, because he looks fantastic, as always. I hate that. I welcome him into my home, hopefully for the last time, and sit down next to him at the kitchen table. He sits opposite my laptop I notice, but that didn't work out last time, so I take the seat next to him and pull my laptop around so we can both see the screen.

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