Chapter 18

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I'm standing at the bar in Club T, with Noah Adams, the lights are up, everyone is leaving, I'm kinda drunk right now, and I wanna take him home.

Okay, so here's how I see it. Right now, in my less than sober state, that is. He looks like a fucking Greek God, okay? There's no getting away from that. I can say with absolute confidence that I have never been more sexually attracted to a boy in my life. He's just fucking ridiculous. His face should be illegal, seriously, like, how does anyone get any work done with him running around? And yes, he does run, I have learned that tonight. He's one of those people that's actually probably unhealthily obsessed with running. He runs every day, and tomorrow he's trying out for the Track Team, same as Stefan, that's why he's meeting him in the morning.

I have also learned that he's single. He's never had a girlfriend. He doesn't date. When he was telling me this, I was thinking damn, this sounds very familiar... Patrick much? But in the same thought, I was thinking jackpot, I want a hookup tonight, this is fucking perfect.

But, okay, okay, I know it's a bad idea. Because we have to do this English assignment together and if we sleep together tonight it'll just make everything awkward. He's such an intense guy as it is. I thought he was gonna tell me to fuck off and leave him alone when I first started talking to him tonight. But, after a few shots and some more drinks, his walls started to come down a little. And he's been cool with me, he's even laughed a few times. I like his laugh. A lot. What do I do? What do I do?!

"You coming, Jame?" Joel is standing behind me now. Standing? Swaying? What's the difference at this point?

"Are you okay!?" Noah asks Joel, alarmed at how unsteady on his feet he is.

"I'm fine! There are just so many girls that want to fuck me! It's so fucking annoying!" Joel says while laughing.

He really is drunk off his ass, he doesn't talk like that often. But I'm pretty drunk too, so I just laugh.

"Come on, hot stuff." Patrick swoops in out of nowhere and drapes Joel's arm over his shoulders, supporting his weight and holding him up. "Let's get you home, away from all the scary, horny girls."

Noah and I both laugh as Patrick begins leading Joel towards the exit. He turns to me and asks if I'll be okay. Noah tells him he'll make sure I get home okay. Patrick accepts this. Noah's gonna make sure I get home okay? Interesting.

"Wait, P!" I yell at Patrick, and he almost drops Joel before turning back to look at me. "Did Aubrey and the others leave?"

"Yeah, they took off with your friends." He nods his head towards Noah before leaving with Joel.

"Aubrey went home with John?" Noah asks me, like I might have the answer to this.

"I don't know, I've been with you all this time!" I remind him.

"Oh, yeah. Right." He laughs a little before running a hand through his hair. I love it when he does this, it's so sexy. "Should we go get coffee or something? Sober up a bit?"

"Coffee? Dude, you're not in New York anymore. Coffee shops ain't open at this hour in North Bridge." I laugh at him. "Come on, let's go."

"Yes, ma'am." He says, before following me out of the club.

Out on the street, people are stumbling off from the club in different directions. I automatically set off in the direction of home, and Noah walks with me. I don't really think anything of this, the dorms are this way too.

"I wonder what happened to your roommate." I say.

"He's probably getting laid right now." Noah says, which amuses me. "What's so funny?"

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