Chapter 29 (Noah)

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Noah - Sunday morning

My head is fucking pounding. 

I drank a lot last night. A lot more than I usually do. Why do I make such terrible life choices?

All that drinking with Stefan and the guys was a terrible life choice. And the pretty little blonde thing laying next to me right now is another terrible life choice. 

Well, that's a little extreme. She was fun. A lot of fun, actually. And I needed it. After fooling around with Jamie last weekend, I needed to get under someone else. Literally, I was under her the entire time. We made out a lot when we got back to my dorm, she practically pushed me onto my bed and tore my clothes off, she climbed on top of me and took complete control. I didn't mind at all, I just let her do whatever she wanted to. Usually, I wouldn't be so lazy. But, fuck, I was so drunk. It felt good to lay back and just enjoy the ride for a change. I am definitely less sexually frustrated right now, but my hangover isn't helping my mood. 

I open my eyes slowly. The sun light coming in my window is burning my fucking retinas. My vision focuses, and Jesus Christ I am not in my bedroom. Where the fuck am I? Shit. I went back to this girls dorm. No! Why the hell did I do that? How fucking drunk was I? I barely remember leaving the club with her. Who the hell is she? All I can see is blonde hair. If it's that scary girl Madison with the purple eyes, I am in trouble. No, I wouldn't have went home with her. No fucking chance. I suspect Will is into her, I wouldn't do that. Will was on a date last night though. With Madison? I don't know, he didn't say. 

Fuck my life, I need to get out of here.

I shift my weight on the bed slowly, being careful not to wake this girl up. I just wanna leave, without having any awkward conversations. I don't know what time it is, my phone will be laying on the bedroom floor inside the pocket of the jeans I had on last night, I guess. It feels early though, I hope this girls roommate is still in her bedroom. God damnit.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and sit up, slowly putting my feet down on the floor. I'm naked, which is fucking awesome. If she wakes up right now, she'll watch me get dressed. Fantastic. I pull the blanket back unbelievably slowly, I desperately don't wanna wake her up. But, shit, she's rolling over. I'm panicking, I look down at her over my shoulder. Her eyes are still closed, so I can't see if they're purple or not, but I do know that she is not Madison Hudson. I breathe a sigh of relief. I have no idea who this girl is, and I want it to stay that way. I wait a moment before attempting to get out of the bed again. I really don't wanna wake her. 

But, her eyes open, and I'm crushed. Awkward conversation it is, I guess. 

"Leaving so soon?" she asks, blinking up at me and smiling. She's naked. I'm naked. I wanna disappear into thin air. 

"Um, yeah." is my response. If there is a god, please hit me with a bolt of lightning right now. No? Great.

"Relax, I already told you I don't want anything from you." she says, sitting up a little and causing the blanket to fall down to her waist, fully revealing her upper body, and causing my lower body to react...

I stare at her like a fucking idiot (I'm not staring at her face) for a few seconds, willing my semi to fucking stop. But it won't. Am I still a little drunk? I wanna fuck her again. She just said she doesn't want anything from me. Maybe it would be okay. She has amazing tits, and she knows I can see them, and she's right next to me...

"Your turn to put in some work, then you can leave." she says with a wicked smile, before laying back and pushing the covers down below her knees, revealing fucking everything... I was so drunk last night, I didn't get to fully appreciate how sexy this girl is. Amazing tits, amazing body, not an inch of hair anywhere other than her head... I cannot refuse this. 

I get off of the bed and grab my jeans off the floor. I hear her protest ("Aww!") because she thinks I'm about to get dressed and leave. But I'm not. I pull a condom out of my pocket as I vaguely remember her producing the one we used last night from her bedside table. I turn back to face her and see her smile as she realises what I was doing. But I don't look at her smile for long, because she is now touching herself. Right in front of me. Looking me dead in the eye, her breathing getting heavier, her lips parting. Fuck, how am I so good at picking girls to go home with? Well, the answer is easy, really. I only go home with girls that are up for a one night thing. I always make sure of that, and even in the drunken state I was in last night, I trust myself to always make sure girls know what they're getting into with me. Which is, fucking nothing. Just sex, one time. Or, in this girls case, twice. But, that's it. They are all made well aware of this before anything happens. Well, all of them besides Jamie... But I'm not fucking thinking about Jamie right now! I'm not. I'm thinking about this hot blonde lying on her bed fingering herself and wetting her lips while staring at me. She needs my help. I'll give it to her. 

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