Chapter 57

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Shit, shit, shit!

Did Noah see me making out with that guy just now? God, I hope not!

No, wait, I'm single, I can do whatever the hell I want! Why do I care what Noah may or may not have seen? I don't. I don't!

"Um, I dare you to make out with Lisa." I say to Max quickly, not taking my eyes off of Noah.

I'm vaguely aware of Max getting up from his seat and getting down on to his knees on the rug next to Lisa to start making out with her. But my eyes are still on Noah. He isn't looking at me now, he's saying something to Zach, and now he's walking away from him, leaving the room. Zach pulls out his phone and sips on his beer for a couple of minutes while Lisa and Max make out, and by the time they're done John has joined Zach. I should talk to them, right?

"Where are you going?" I hear Shaun ask as I get up and walk towards John and Zach. I just ignore Shaun, he's not important.

"Guess we're done with Truth or Dare, then." I hear Joel say happily. Whatever, they can keep playing without me if they want to. Truth or Dare is lame anyway.

"Hey, hows it going?" Zach asks as I approach them. He sounds weird. Something's off.

"Hi, Jamie." John smiles at me, he seems normal at least. "Have you seen Aubrey? This house is so big, I have no idea where to find her."

"Last I saw her she was out by the pool talking to some friends." I inform him. "She's with Kim, too."

I look at Zach. He's smiling. Because I mentioned Kim? He used to play the sharing game with Noah in New York. I don't really know what to make of Zach anymore. I feel like I don't really know him at all now. I haven't said anything to Kim of course. But maybe I should say something to Zach...

"Let's go see if we can find them." John says to Zach with a big smile. He's eager to talk to Aubrey.

"Right." I say, still looking at Zach. "Did Noah tell you I met your friend Sarah the other night?"

Zach's smile almost falters. Almost, but not quite. He saves it well. This guy knows how to play, I think.

"Yeah, Sarah told me herself, too. I talked to her. Crazy that her roommate is your friend, huh? Small world." He continues to smile at me. I'm not smiling back at him.

"Crazy." I say, and I notice John giving me a funny look. I wonder if he knows about the sharing game. I have a feeling he doesn't.

"Come on you guys." John says, shaking off that weird moment and walking towards the door. I don't move to follow him, and neither does Zach. He's still smiling at me.

"Noah's gone upstairs." Zach says, raising his eyebrows at me. John is no longer within ear shot. "One look at you making out with some random guy, and he pretty much wants to leave. Crazy, huh?"

Zach's smile doesn't crack at all as he tears his eyes away from mine and follows John out of the room. What the fuck? I decide here and now that I am gonna tell Kim about Zach. There's something sketchy about this guy. That weird conversation just now proves it. She needs to know what he used to do with girls back in New York. But right now, I have a bigger problem to face.

I leave the room behind Zach, with one last glance over at the sofas. The guys and girls are all talking and drinking now, I think Truth or Dare is officially dead. None of them are looking at me, besides Shaun. He's eyeing me suspiciously, but I ignore him and exit the room.

Once I'm on the stairs, I wonder where the hell Noah went exactly. He's never been in Jay's house before, he could literally get lost in this mansion. There are other people loitering around, but they shouldn't really be up here. Noah shouldn't either. Whatever, I need to find him.

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