Chapter 16

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Present Day

I cannot believe Will. Seriously, who the fuck does he think he is? Saying all of that shit to me in his car just now. Chasing me out of Social Studies and begging me to take a ride with him. Ugh, I could punch him, I really could. Which is exactly why I removed myself from the situation. Violence is never the answer.

After what he did to me, he owes me a lot more than a half assed apology. He cut me off, completely. Everything was fine between us, and then all of a sudden, he just stopped replying to my texts, stopped taking my calls, blocked me on Instagram, blocked me on Facebook, and avoided me at all costs at school.

It fucking sucked. I felt like I'd done something wrong. But by the time I gave up trying to make contact with him and get an explanation from him, I was so filled with rage towards him that I didn't even care what his reasons were for blowing me off. Okay, we were hardly the couple of the century, but I deserved a real break up. I did not deserve to be treated that way.

When I talked to his friend Craig on the football field that day, I was convinced that Will had just used me for a one night stand. When I talked to the guys and Erin about it, they said the same thing. Patrick offered to beat him up for me, Joel offered to try and talk to him and find out exactly why he was freezing me out all of a sudden, Jay offered to go over to his house and tell his parents how much of a scumbag their son is (Will's parents are no where near as rich as Jays parents, they would not have taken kindly to the news that Jamie Montgomery thought ill of their precious son), and Erin offered to kill him. I told my friends to just forget about it, Will wasn't worth it.

But, when I found out about the bet, I was not happy. And how did I find out? None other than Madison fucking Hudson, the purple eyed demon of North Bridge High, told me about it. I hate her, and she hates me. We're polar opposites, and she's always been a complete bitch towards me, for no reason. I have no time for her whatsoever, so when she approached me and Erin in the cafeteria one day at lunch, and asked me if I'd heard from Will, I pretty much told her to fuck off. I thought she was messing with me, but honestly, I'm not entirely sure. But when she went on to tell me about how Brandon and Craig had made a bet that Will wouldn't be able to sleep with me, and Will had been in on it, I was not happy. I wasn't happy at all.

But my anger was nothing compared to Erin's. She hunted Will down at High School Graduation (I myself chose to completely ignore him that day) and demanded answers from him. He told Erin that it was none of her business, and that was it. I never spoke to him again, never heard from him again, never saw him again.

Until now.

He can shove his half assed apology up his ass, as far as I'm concerned. That fucker does not deserve anymore of my time. He should think himself lucky that I didn't go running my mouth about how bad a kisser he is. I still could, of course, but I'm not that petty. I thought he'd be at Harvard right now, not at NBU. And most certainly not in one of my fucking classes. This sucks, but I'll deal with it. If he tries to sit next to me in Social Studies next week, he is gonna know how it feels to be on the receiving end of my violent side. Okay, so I don't have violent side, but there's a first for everything.

I'm done thinking about Will now. It's Friday night, and I'm going out with the guys and my new girlfriends tonight. Shake it off, Jame. This day can still be salvaged.

I text Aubrey and tell her to come over to my house whenever she wants. The guys will show up unannounced, as always, so I don't need to bother setting any plans with them.

I feed Benji and take him out for a quick walk, then I shower and wash off the shitty day I've had so far. As soon as I'm dry and standing in front of my wardrobe trying to decide what to wear tonight, I'm in a good mood. Fuck Will Archibald. Fuck Social Studies. It's Friday night, I'm young, I have my friends, I have a bottle of Jack Daniels in the drinks cabinet downstairs with my name on it. Let's do this.

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