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Questions After Questions

⚠️Trigger warnings⚠️

Dianne🧜‍♀️ "Hold on let me rephrase that. My aunt works 6 days a week, every day apart from Saturday, on Saturday I get a day to spend on my own or with friends, she comes home every day but most of the time it's when Chloe is asleep so I guess you could say that I am Chloe's primary carer" wow I had just said those words out loud and it was finally good to come to that realisation that I was more of a mum to Chloe than a big sister. "So she brings food in and she gives me £20 pocket money a week to spend on anything extra."
Headteacher👩‍🏫 "Right, how come you don't live with your mum or dad"
Dianne🧜‍♀️ "Miss this my seem out of order but these sorts of matters need to be discussed in private" I looked round and Chloe to make sure that she wasn't listening into the conversation "I will tell you about all this but can I do it when Chloe isn't around?"
Headteacher👩‍🏫 "Of course, Chloe I think it's time for you two to head for breakfast club shall we all go and get you settled in there?"
Chloe🎀 "Is Di going to come"
Dianne🧜‍♀️ I walked over to Chloe and explained how at school I wouldn't be there with her but Amy would as Amy promised to take good care of Chloe. We walked across to the junior hall as I said good bye to Chloe with tears in my eyes Mrs Davids dismissed Toff and told her to come back when the bell went for first lesson we walked back to the headteachers office where I was dreading answering the questions.
Headteacher👩‍🏫 "Dianne I don't want to make you uncomfortable so if you want to stop with the questions then that will be fine"
Dianne🧜‍♀️ "It's fine I need some to talk to, I have done for a while"
Headteacher👩‍🏫 "Right so what has happened previously in your life to lead you to moving schools"
Dianne🧜‍♀️ "Since I was 10 my life was fine it was me and my mum, my biological father walked out on my mum when he found out that she was pregnant, my mum started going out most nights and bringing back a different man each night, one night she brought home Chloe's dad and he hated me ever since he met me, he got my mum into drinking heavily and he was really..abusive to me" I let out a massive welp as the memories came flooding back miss out her hand on my hand and told me that I didn't have to continue but I needed to get the whole story out.
"He would come into my room when they had left me of a night and hit me before he would go to bed, he would make me do all of the chores in the house whilst him and my mum went out.
I later found out that my mum was pregnant with Chloe and I feared for my sisters life, I was going through such a hard time as this was going on I was finishing primary school and doing my exams. Nine months later my mum gave birth to Chloe, I became Chloe's carer as they would go out each night and if I ever told anyone then he always said that he would take it out on Chloe and make me watch so I let him carry on, by this time it had got to not only got to physical assault but s-s"
Headteacher👩‍🏫 "Dianne sexual, do you mean sexual"
Dianne🧜‍♀️ "Y-Yeah" I collapsed on the floor in floods of tears I felt so numb I could hardly breathe.

{A/N: I'm really sorry that this got really deep and quite upsetting, I will explain more in tomorrow's episode}

I'm so sorry,, not ~Joanne~Fanfic~ Where stories live. Discover now