chapter seven

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ALLISON PUSHED SHANE BACK. "If my dad says no guns, he means no guns, dickhead."

Shane glared at her. "I'm just protecting my own."

"Oh shit." T-dog suddenly said, making everyone look towards what he was looking at.

There was Rick, Hershel and Jimmy, leading walkers towards the barn on poles. "What is that?" Shane mumbled, running towards them, followed by the group. Allison was behind with Beth helping her walk.

As she caught up, she noticed her father looking at them in distress, wondering why Rick's people had guns on his land.

"Are you kidding me? You see it hat they're holding onto?!" Shane yelled, furious at Rick's decisions.

"I see who I'm holding onto!" Hershel yelled, trying to keep the walker in place.

"No, man, you don't." Shane started.

"Shane, just let us do this, and then we can talk." Rick told him.

"What you want to talk about, Rick? These things ain't sick. They're not people!" Shane seethed. "They're dead! Ain't gonna feel nothing for them 'cause all they do, they kill!"

"Shane, shut up!" Rick yelled at his friend, tired of his poor behavior.

"Hershel man, let me ask you something. Could they walk away from this?" Shane got out his gun and shot the walker in the chest, Allison not even flinching as all she heard around her was a loud ringing and muffled voices.

Her eyes flickered to her father, his eyes going wide in shock as he watched the thing that he once thought was human, come right back to attack.

"That it's heart, it's lungs! Why is it still coming?!" Shane questioned to no one in particular.

"Shane, enough!"

"Yeah, you're right man, that is enough." Shane finished, finally shooting the dead creature in the head, it and Hershel falling down with it.

Everyone was shocked, not expecting Shane to be so selfish and to disobey Hershel's orders. Not expecting to see the man that Rick thought was his best friend, turn into someone that he doesn't even recognize.

"Enough living next to a barn to things that are trying to kill us! Enough! If y'all wanna live, if y'all wanna survive, you gotta fight for it! I'm talking about fight! Right here, right now." Shane grabbed an axe, hitting the locks on the barn, no one doing anything to stop him.

Allison snapped into reality once the barn came swinging open, revealing people that she knew since childhood. People that took care of her, people who bandaged her up when she fell, people who made her lunch when her father wasn't around. People who used to love her and care for her. She watched in shock as all of them fell to the floor, dead for good this time.

Tears sprung in her eyes as she watched every face of the people she loved. Beth cried out, watching as her mother fell to the floor with a thud, dead and gone forever.  She ran to her, crying loudly and placing her head in her lap. "I'm sorry, I'm so sor-" She was cut off as the walker suddenly started to growl at her, grabbing her face.

Allison immediately came to her sisters rescue within seconds, pulling her away from her deceased mother's body with the help of the others.

Maggie helped both her sisters to the house with the rest of her family, Beth sobbing into her shoulder.

Allison heard footsteps behind them, turning around, she was looking at an angry Shane. "You told us we were safe when you had walkers in that barn?!" He pressed them.

"Leave us alone." Allison said back, his presence annoying her to no end.

"You are a piece of work you know that, man? Thinking that you could save those dead fuckers in there, man you're one-" Shane was cut off as Allison turned around and punched him square in the jaw, wincing in pain as her knuckles ached right after.

"Stay away from my family." Allison told him, her father telling her to sit on the table to look at her hand.

"I'm fine." She grumbled, walking upstairs to her room. Allison slammed the door shut, and didn't come out the rest of the day. That was until she heard clattering of glass coming from downstairs.

She widened her eyes in worry and then ran downstairs the best she could with her injured leg. "What happened?" She asked Maggie once she saw Beth laying on the floor unresponsive.

"I-I don't know, help me get her upstairs." As the two sisters struggled, with Maggie's sobbing expression and Allison's one leg, Glenn grabbed Beth easily and then set her on the bed.

Lori walked into the room, a concerned look on her face. "She may be in shock. Where's Hershel?"

Maggie shrugged. "We can't find him anywhere." Glenn sighed, making Allison snap her head towards him, eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

Allison grabbed her sister's hand while Maggie grabbed the other, holding tight.


"Glenn went on a run with Rick to find dad." Maggie told her, and Allison just nodded her head, not saying anything as she gripped Beth's hand tighter.

"Glenn's gonna bring him back." Maggie told her with certainty.

Allison scoffed and turned to her. "And what if he doesn't? Then what? We don't know how much longer she can go without eating or sleeping. I don't know how much longer I can go." She whispered the last part, wiping her tears away.

Maggie sighed and sat down across from her, looking at Beth as a tear rolled down her cheek.

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