falling for my best friend- peter parker (part 2)

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Trudging upstairs with heavy eyes, you flopped onto your bed without even changing, instantly falling asleep. You weren't used to waking up that early in the morning, even though you did get a decent amount of sleep the night before.

Two hours later, someone came into your room and shook you awake. "Y/N? Lunch is ready, Tony ordered fried chicken to be delivered over here, because it's his turn to cook today and he's too lazy to do that, so," Steve rolled his eyes in annoyance as you stretched your arms out and headed downstairs with him. Rubbing your eyes, you sat in your seat. Oh, how you loved a nice, long nap.

"You feel better?" Wanda looked at you, concerned that you weren't sleeping enough, as she handed you your plate.

"Yeah." You took a bite of your chicken and observed everyone around the table. It was nice to finally get together over break and hang out as one giant family instead of constantly being bombarded with missions.

And two of those missions ended up in you being grazed by a bullet on your shoulder and recieving a knife wound to the stomach.

Peter wouldn't talk to you for three days after that because he told you, he specifically told you, to be safe and to call him if you were in trouble. But you didn't.

Later he told you he was never mad, just really worried, and then, Tony told you to never do anything like that again or he'd never forgive himself for you getting hurt.

The whole team could get a bit overprotective of you sometimes, because you were the youngest, just over a month behind Peter. Often times you'd be called 'giant baby' by Clint or Bucky, which usually ended up in you chasing them around and tackling them with a giant pillow.

Whenever it was any type of school break, you took the train with Peter up to the HQs to spend time with the Avengers, going on exotic trips with them, because there wasn't anything to do back home. Last time summer, you went to the Galapagos Islands and had to take care of a severely sunburned Bucky and Peter. Meanwhile, though, you got a nice tan and swam with all the turtles, and one even followed you back to shore.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and you could see the trees that were thick and lush, a stunning shade of green. "Tony. Where are we going this summer?" Clint asked.

"We're going to..." He paused for a moment. "The Bahamas. It's a Caribbean heaven."

"OH MY GOD YESSSS!" you and Peter screamed like little girls at the same time, grabbing each others' hands (you were too excited to be blushing right now) and jumping up and down.

"I knew you guys always wanted to go there, so here we are. And I heard it's really nice and there's some good drinks..." He gave you guys a cheeky grin. "We leave in two days. I hope that's enough time for you two. And you brought your passports, right? If not, I can have them speed-shipped over here from your guys' place by tomorrow."

"Yeah, Peter and I brought ours. And yeah, that's enough time," you said, trying to contain your excitement. Thankfully you had stuffed your luggage with over several weeks worth of clothes and a few swimsuits, but you did this efficiently, so there still was some room left for souvenirs.

Thank the stars for no summer missions, you thought to yourself.



Everyone gathered in the living room and you watched the final episode together. Vision and Clint broke down into tears, holding onto each other and crying because the season was over. "WHY DID THEY HAVE TO END ITTTTTT..." Clint wailed, clutching the tissue box.

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