29. "about your mom"

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   Grayson Reid Jansen

     "Keep talking, twenty-four, I love it." I blew a kiss at an opponent who had been on me the whole game. The guy was relentless. It was a team from another county who volunteered to play in the annual tournament.

LJ, Andrew, and Jordy all came over to slap me on the ass and hype me up after that last goal. We were up 5 to 1 - no surprise.

The crowd was raving which made me look over with squinted eyes, the sweat from my forehead passed my brow bones and dropped down to my upper lip.

I stopped ginning and showboating when I noticed Brea having what looked like a heated conversation with Holland.

"Hey, get your head in the game. Come on!" LJ ran past me, shaking my shoulders to snap me out of the space where my mind zoned off to.


"Another year, another dub." I bragged to my team, except this time around I was on the other team as an alum.

"Dinner on you tonight?" Andrew proposed, playfully punching me in the abs.

"I eat that for breakfast." I gritted, referring to his light blows.

We reached the sidelines and the guys all scattered to be with their friends and family. Meanwhile, Brea was nowhere to be found.

"Grayson-" Holland hollered for me from the bleachers. She waddled down then carefully to approach me.

"Oh, hey. Have you seen Brea?"

"Yeah, she's... oh — there she is!" Holland pointed to the left of us and shown me Brea by the gate talking to some woman. Only, when she turned around and waved at me with Brea, I saw that she wasn't just another woman - it was Bethany. I could've literally shit my pants.

Excluding myself from Holland, I made my way calmly over to Brea and Bethany who were sharing a light laugh.

"Ahahah. What's so funny?" I dryly joined in, sarcastically, of course, and draped my arm over Brea's shoulder.

"Hey, babe, we were just talking about you actually." Brea let me know.

Bethany smiled with closed lips and batted her lashes at me.

My jaw clenched. I grew nervous like they were onto me. It seemed as if I stopped breathing air and the hoodie around my neck got tight.

"Talking about what?"

"Just how good you played, coach." Bethany said, rubbing her hand down my arm.

"Oh, thanks."

"Well, it was nice meeting you Bethany, we have to get going. I'll contact you about the shoot."

"I look forward to it, thanks again!" I watched the women hug and part ways, Brea taking my hand as Bethany walked in the opposite direction.

"Where do we have to go?"

"Dinner at your mom's remember, she wants to make it a weekly thing?"

"Shit, I forgot. Can't we skip it, she always has to bring up some dumb shit-"

"Hey," Brea demanded my attention and when she got it, she palmed my face to say,"look at me, it'll be fine. I promise." She earned a kiss on the head before we could finally exit the stadium.

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