27. "part of the family"

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    Grayson Reid Jansen

    "Look at you, you're ready to pop!" I rubbed my hands on my sister's belly. Holland had just gotten back from her honeymoon with Mark, and looked happier than ever.

"Any day now." Mark smiled at his wife before they kissed each other's lips.

"Alright everyone - Colson, Brea - phones away! German, thanks for this lovely dinner you put together." My mom scooted her chair in at the table on the patio.

The mid-September air felt nice against my skin, it wasn't hot but not at all cold - just right.

Colson and Brea were deep into a conversation when my mom demanded everyone's attention. On her way to stand, she started coughing and stumbled back a little.

"Parker!" My dad gasped loudly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she insisted when my father and Holland rushed to her aide,"I just wanted to say, I'm glad we all could be together and have this dinner. It's not everyday that we get to spend time together and when we do, it usually goes left. So, thank you. And Brea, we're all lucky to have you."

Everyone cheers'd to that and started to eat.

Once my family and Brea all shared about their weeks and whatever they wanted to talk about, it was my turn.

I wasn't really dying to say or do anything, there's was nothing to share, for real.

"I think I'm done with the project." I let out. Their eyes all cut to me in confusion.

"What, already? That's amazing-" my dad started to congratulate me but was mistaken.

"No," I corrected him,"I just don't really wanna do it anymore."

"Typical Grayson." Holland spat, rolling her eyes.

"It's about time you came to your senses." My mother drank her strawberry lemonade, uninterested in the topic at hand.

Brea ripped her hand from my kneecap and said to me in a whisper,"When'd you decide this?"

"Just now. I wanna focus on something else."

"Like building a family, I hope." My mother remarked, making Brea and I both choke on our drinks.
Unamused, my mother looked at us with a straight face and waited for our response.

"No. Like, another project. The other day, Brea gave her ring to a homeless person and it reminded me why I got into construction in the first place. Maybe I'll volunteer with that company who builds tiny houses for veterans."

"Well, I think that's great. I know the owner, I'll give him a call first thing in the morning."

I earned a warm smile of approval from Brea.

"Don't you wanna give your future niece a cousin to play with?" My mom asked Brea and I.

"I don't know about a baby, but I was thinking more like, a puppy. Kids love animals, right?" Brea spoke up despite feeling uncomfortable, I could tell.

"I've always wanted a puppy!" Holland exclaimed, tugging on Mark's arm.

"See what you did, Grayson?" He groaned at me.

To which I flailed my arms at Brea and snarled,"Thanks a lot." Brea just hunched her shoulders, unbothered, and bit into the salad.

"If we're getting a puppy, I want a German Shepard."

"No one's getting a puppy!" I had to put some bass in my voice. All the women looked at me, displeased.
After I sighed and sank low in my seat, my fingertips pressed on my temples, everyone all engaged in small talk.

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