Chapter 25

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"But we can't report that Chaeyoung was missing to the police. We also can't make an announcement that Chaeyoung is gone". Mr.Park said. He gave a calm expression even though he was actually worried.

"Why?". Jihyo asked.

"Because it would be dangerous for Chaeyoung and peoples would make no sense speculations if they knew Chaeyoung had lost. That will also affect TWICE".



No One POV

JYP Entertainment released a statement that Chaeyoung will not take part in TWICE activities for a time that can't be ascertained due to health problems. Of course that was the reason made to cover up the fact that Chaeyoung went somewhere they didn't know. The agency tried to protect Chaeyoung and TWICE. But behind it all, Mr.Park said that he would continue to ask his team to look for Chaeyoung.

After the statement came out, fans were shocked to know that. They began to wonder what disease made Chaeyoung vacuum from the music industry. And as usual, the media released news about it quickly. And with exaggerate headlines.

'TWICE Chaeyoung Suffered From Health Problems Due to Tight Schedules?'

'TWICE Chaeyoung was Diagnosed with A Severe Illness?'

'Chaeyoung Out of TWICE Due to Health Problems'

'Chaeyoung Take a Break from TWICE? Is It Related to Her Fight with Momo?'

TWICE does their activities without Chaeyoung. They smile and look happy in front of the camera, but actually they try to hold back the sadness. They can't show it in public.

TWICE has a schedule to perform special stage on MCountdown today. At the end of the event, ONCE gave them a surprise. Today is Chaeyoung's birthday. They shows a placard that says #StayWithChaeyoung. TWICE members were touched by the surprise given by ONCE. Even though Chaeyoung is not with them, ONCE still gives support for her. That made them touched. Jeongyeon wipes her tears quickly, as do the other members. They don't want to make ONCE worried.

After recording, TWICE members returned to the dorm. On the way to the van, some ONCE approached them. One of ONCE gave a box of strawberries and letters.

"Please give this to Chaeyoung unnie". She said.

Jeongyeon received the gift. She couldn't refuse it because it could make ONCE disappointed. Moreover, ONCE thought that Chaeyoung was only in health recovery.

"I hope Chaeyoung unnie will be healthy and go back to the stage". One of them said.

Jeongyeon smiles and mouthed 'thank you'. She sighed when she arrived in the van. Jihyo looks at her friend.

"For Chaeyoung again?". She asked. Jeongyeon nodded, then looked at the big box behind Jihyo. "It was all gifts from ONCE for Chaeyoung". Jihyo added.


Mina POV

Chaeyoung left us. I never thought that all this time she had to go through a hard time. She kept it a secret and fought alone. It hurts my heart. If only Chaeyoung believed in us. If only she told us.

There is no news where Chaeyoung is up to now. We were also worried about Jeongyeon's condition. She looked pale, she even almost fainted on the backstage. She hasn't eaten and slept. She was really sad about what happened to Chaeyoung.

Nayeon forced her to eat, but she insisted she wouldn't eat.

"How can I eat while we don't know Chaeyoung's condition until now?". Jeongyeon said.

As we know, Jeongyeon loves Chaeyoung very much. She is a good unnie, even though she is not Chaeyoung's real sister.

Jihyo sent message in the group chat asking us to gather in the living room in a moment. She wants to say something, it seems like something important. We gathered in the living room at 8pm.

Jihyo sees us one by one. She then cleared her throat.

"I will go straight". She showed a serious expression. "After the incident that happened to Chaeyoung, I have a lot of thoughts in my mind. Why did it happen? Why doesn't she tell us? I don't blame Chaeyoung or anyone. I became thinking whether we weren't trusted enough?".

Jihyo stopped for a moment. She sighed.

"I speak not as a leader, but as a friend. I want us to be open to each other. Whoever has a problem, don't hesitate to share to the members. You are never alone, we will always be by your side. Please build trust between the members. We are not just members of girl groups, we are family. TWICE is one, right?".

We all nodded. Then we hugged each other.

A few moments later, the manager came while bringing some birthday cakes. She said that fans gave it for Chaeyoung. We decided to celebrate Chaeyoung's birthday together, even though without her.

Before blowing out the candle, we make a wish.

'God, please take care of Chaeyoung wherever she is. Bring her back to us. I miss her'. I pray.

Then we blew candles together. Jihyo gave a piece of cakes to the members. I looked at the cake in front of me. Strawberry cake. This is Chaeyoung's favorite. She likes everything related to strawberries. Therefore, fans gave her the nickname 'Strawberry Princess'.

After the celebration, I walked to the rooftop. I want to refresh my mind. When I got there, I saw someone leaning on the edge of the rooftop. I approached her. She looks daydreaming. She didn't even realize my presence.


Momo gasped when she heard my voice. Then she wiped her cheek quickly. Does she cry?

"What are you doing here?". I asked.

Momo sighed before answering my question. "Don't you miss her? This is her birthday, but she's not here with us". Momo's voice was hoarse.

She talked about Chaeyoung.

"I feel bad. I had been rude to her, I yelled and hit her. I wish I knew that she had suffered all this time. If I knew ...". Momo didn't finish her words. And she started crying. Then she hit the wall beside her nonstop.

Her hands are bleeding. I hugged her body. She slowly stopped her actions. I could hear her sobbing.

Momo is a caring person, especially to the members. Even when she had a fight with Chaeyoung few times ago, maybe she looked cold. But behind it all, Momo is still Momo, a person who has high concern. She made sure that Chaeyoung returned to the dorm or not. If she hasn't returned, then Momo will ask the manager again and again.

My tears drip. No matter how much I try to stay strong, I finally can't hold it back. Momo hugged me tightly as she heard me crying. We both cried together under the night sky.


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