Chapter 58

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"SaTzu!! SaTzu!! SaTzu!!".

ONCE cheered at the end of Sana and Tzuyu's performance. The couple couldn't hide their excitement because of unexpected feedback. Because the lighting was turned off, Sana suddenly pecked Tzuyu's lips in the dark.



No One POV

"Yah what's that?". Tzuyu gasped.

Sana only chuckled while pulling Tzuyu's hand toward the backstage. "We don't have much time here".

Meanwhile, the next team ran to the stage and prepared themselves. Among the other stage units, this team is the most nervous team. They'll perform something different that even ONCE might not expect. They have practiced for months for this concert. They just hope that they can perform it well tonight.

Jeongyeon turned towards the members one by one. As the leader of this team, she wants encourage her members. She mouthed fighting guys!

The staff gives a sign. They count the time in their mind. When the curtain is open and the lighting is on them, ONCE can see Jeongyeon, Momo, Jihyo, Dahyun and Chaeyoung on the stage. Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Chaeyoung with the guitar hanging on their shoulders, Dahyun with keyboard in front of her and Momo who was sitting behind the drum with a stick in her hand. The five of them caught ONCE's expression who was shocked and seemed unable to close their mouths. Momo beat the drums vigorously as the opening of their performance. And Jeongyeon became the first to sing. The crowd turned wild after getting to know the song. Jeongyeon and her four members sang Day6's debut song, Congratulations, and they called themselves Day5.

Jeongyeon as Jae

Momo as Dowoon

Jihyo as Sungjin

Dahyun as Wonpil

Chaeyoung as Young K

The idea for this stage unit came from Jeongyeon. She really liked Day6, she even memorized all the songs from the band. At the meeting to discuss TWICE's concert, she proposed the idea to perform as a band and the agency agreed. So, Jeongyeon asked Dahyun to join her team because the younger has good piano skills. She is like a professional. For the drummer, Jeongyeon asked Momo because she heard that the main dancer had studied drums when she was in high school. Momo refused at first, she wasn't sure of her abilities because she only attended the drum class for less than a year. But Jeongyeon argued that she could study again, at least she had a basis. In the end, Momo followed her roommate's words. Jeongyeon also asked Jihyo and Chaeyoung to join the team because she needed a vocalist and rapper so that her team was complete. It looked impossible at first but they tried hard to change that impossibility.

To be honest, Jeongyeon is worried about Chaeyoung. Jeonghun took over her sister's body at their concert this time. She was worried that Jeonghun couldn't keep up with their performance, especially since she had an important role in this stage unit. Jeongyeon tried to get rid of that thought and believed Chaeyoung's words that her other identity could replace her well. So far Jeonghun did a good job, he did every performance like the real Chaeyoung. It makes Jeongyeon's worries decrease.

Meanwhile, even though Jeonghun was really nervous, he acted as naturally as possible. His hands played the guitar as if he had been trained before. Everything he did on the stage came out on its own without making it up. With him acting like that, no one would have thought that the person who was on the stage now was not Chaeyoung.

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