Chapter 45

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"Being an idol is my dream so don't do things that can ruin TWICE's image. And one more thing, don't hurt the people around me, especially Mina, she is someone who is precious to me. I hope we can work together, Jeonghun-ah".

Video ends. I'm still processing Chaeyoung's words. Should I do it? Let's see later.



No One POV

Jeonghun returned to the dorm with instructions given by Chaeyoung through the files stored in her phone folder. Jeonghun has read all the files intended for him. But he hasn't decided whether he will do as Chaeyoung's request or not.

The next day, Jeonghun woke up. He looked at the date on the phone, he realized that Chaeyoung hadn't returned since yesterday. Jeonghun checks his phone again, he checks Chaeyoung's schedule. There is no schedule to do today. Then he sent a message to someone. A few moments later he smiled at the message. He hurriedly took a shower and got ready while it was still morning. He didn't want other members to catch him. He was lucky because last night the members had slept when he arrived at the dorm.

Jeonghun came out of the room after he was ready to leave. When he was about to open the door, he was surprised by a voice.

"Where are you going, Chaeng?".

Jeonghun turned his head. A woman was standing behind him with messy hair .

"I have a business".

"Business? This early?".

Jeonghun cleared his throat. "Eomma asked me to visit her at home, Mina".

The older squinted her eyebrows. She was not used to hearing the way Chaeyoung called her. Chaeyoung always called her Mina unnie or Minari. This was weird for Mina, but she shrugged it off.

"Are you going alone? Without Jeongyeon?".

Jeonghun nodded.

Mina hummed. "By the way you still owe me an explanation, you came home late and ignored my message last night". She put her hand on her waist.

"I will explain later when I go home". Jeonghun rushed out of the dorm so he doesn't get any more questions.

Mina was left dumfounded. It seems like something is wrong with Chaeyoung. She thought.

Jeonghun took a taxi and went to the hotel where Rose was staying. She sent a message to Rose before. She invites the latter to go somewhere and Rose says that she has no plans for today so they can go. Arriving at the hotel, Rose was smiling at Jeonghun's arrival.

"Where are we going?". Rose asked.

"To a beautiful place". Jeonghun pulled Rose to get in a taxi.

The taxi took them down the street. The road is filled with silence. Rose could only stare out the window.

Twenty minutes later, Jeonghun and Rose arrived at a park and they walked around. Jeonghun holds Rose's hand. While Rose just followed where Jeonghun took her.

Jeonghun stop. He took a deep breath.

"This is my favorite place".

Rose looked around the park. She was amazed by the beauty captured by her eyes. Many butterflies fly across them. The place is quiet because it's still morning.

"Someone said that she likes butterflies because it has a perfect phase of life that makes it beautiful". Rose looked at Jeonghun after hearing his words. "I also like butterflies. But I have a different opinion. I like it because the butterfly can fly freely wherever they wants". Jeonghun smiled.

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