Confessions Of A Veela

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Approximately Midday at Riddle Manor-10 August 1996

Location: Severus Snape's bedroom

Draco POV

I was helping Sev (I dare not say it to his face!) make a new potion that the Dark Lord had suddenly requested he make. Something about Potter... I rather not know.

I was busy staring at my mate, watching him as he worked. He moved gracefully for his height of  5ft11 I was considerably taller, a height of 6ft1, just like Potter.

I wish I could just reach out and kiss my mate senseless. But  I cannot. But then again, fuck everything and everyone! I deserve to be happy myself!

With that as my motivation, I began to speak

Severus POV

It's not like I'm oblivious. I am quite perceptive if I do say so myself.

Ever since Draco got his Veela inheritance,  my Inner Siren practically shrieked with joy.

But I was afraid. Why hasn't Draco pursued me yet? Did I do something wrong? Or what if he doesn't want me?


My Siren already recognizes Draco as its mate. That could cause complications for me. Submissive Sirens go into their special Heat Period every three months, but when we first find our other halves, we have our first Heat Period as soon as they recognize us as their mate's after consummating our bond. Most likely within two weeks after that, Heat will strike.There's no telling when during those two weeks it's going to start, it just happens.

I just hope numbnut recognizes me soon. I am so over waiting for him. It's overrated.

"Professor..." I hear from behind me.

Interesting...I wonder where this is going.

I turned around to face Draco. "Yes?" I reply.

He squirmed a bit under my gaze. Good. That's what he gets for not using his brain and taking me as his mate.

"I've been wanting to tell you this for quite some time now...Will you let me claim you as my mate?"

Oh. My. God.

I'm pretty sure that my glamour broke round about now.

Draco POV

"I've been wanting to tell you this for quite some time now...Will you let me claim you as my mate?" I asked.

A sharp intake of breath followed by silence is the reply.

I looked up to see his reaction. His glamour was down! His hair no longer looked oily and unwashed, just slightly wavy inky black curls. His skin no longer had a yellowy pallor to it and was no longer wrinkled, just smooth and a snowy white color. His normally dark obsidian eyes turned into a lapis lazuli blue, widened to a roundish shape. Those normally thin lips of his were plumped up and rose petal pink. So kissable...His crooked teeth were now straightened pearly whites.

A/N: Veela is talking here.⬇️

Ohhhhhh the epitome of beauty.

My beauty frowned at me. Why though? Shouldn't he be happy?

"What the bloody hell took you so long you git?! You don't do that to someone! I waited forever! I was about to confront you about it but I didn't! What if you said no?!—."

He got cut off as I shut him up with a fiery kiss. He melted in my arms (not literally ya dolts!!) After awhile we stopped.

Sev looked up at me with his pretty eyes holding all the love and adoration he had for me. Then he smirked and said:

"I will let you claim me you dumb Veela."

That was all I needed to let me scoop him up and rush to my bedroom across the hall.


A/N: Awwwww, cute? 😗

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