That Easy

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(Let us just imagine that Jimin can fluently speak English😍😅)

Jinhe's POV:

We finally arrived and he was silent ever since our last stop. I just ignored the staring even if I'm melting inside...

"'s the grandparents are old fashioned but cool ones...I have never brought anyone with me here I don't know what their reaction will be...just...uhm...just do your thing..." i said

"What thing?!" he asked confused

"Your thing...just be you...charming..." my voice almost fading of embarrassment.

He instantly smiled hugely.

"So you find me charming?"

I just rolled my eyes and went out of the car. Mang Mar right away went our direction all smiles. He is the all around guy an officer in charge of the whole operations...the house...maintenance...the farm. He has been with the family since he teenage days...until he raised his family marrying Aling Fely...they were like my 2nd parents whenever I am here. Their daughter is Laura, same age as me and his older brother Kuya Ben. Their family has been living with my Lolo and Lola (Grandpa, Grandma), although they have a little house at the back...they are caretakers.

"Mang Maaaaarrrr!!!! Kamusta po?" (how are you)

"It's nice to see you! it has been what? 3 years since the last time you came here! You're Lolo and Lola has been very excited and busy preparing the house for you..." He said as we hugged.

Jimin went out of the car smiling already looking at our direction.

"Oh you didn't tell us you have company?!" he asked.

"Oh it's a long story...but yeah...he's gonna stay here until tomorrow only.." rolling my eyes "This is Jimin" I added and he quickly went in front of Mang Mar and bowed.

"It is very nice to meet you sir" Jimin said

"Oh don't we hug" Mang Mar said hugging him as the confused Jimin just hugged him back.

"C'mon must be tired.." Mang Mar started carrying my bags inside and trying to help Jimin carry his.

"'s okay...thank you" Jimin said bowing again.

"Why do you keep on doing that?" Mang Mar asked.

"He's Korean...that's why.." i said

"Oh! That's nice! never met a Korean before"

"Bethhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" I heard Laura started screaming already while she run from the far end of the house and met me with a tight hug.

Laura and I have grew together close...even if I just visit every once in a while here...we have never grew apart.

"How are you little bitch??!!!" Laura said

"Hey! language!! " her mom hitting her shoulder as Aling Fely moved her over to hug me.

"You must be hungry...I cooked your favorite sinigang na hipon (tamarind soup with shrimps)" she said as she broke the hug.

We all noticed Laura was frozen standing and looking at Jimin with wide eyes and all red.

"Oh uhm this is Jimin..." i informally introduced him...

"You fucking bitch Beth!!!' you just brought Park, Jimin of BTS here?????!!! are you even serious???? I mean...oh my god!!! I'm gonna die...I think I'm gonna die!!!! hold me please...can someone shut me up...AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" as she weirdly ran away going out.

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