I Don't Know

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Liz's POV:

Obviously the purpose of this trip has defeated it's purpose and my state now is worse. Not just having to cheat on Matt but making myself feel the absolutely worst person longing for someone else. Like everything is a fucking mistake. Everything felt wrong.

Entering my apartment I went straight to my bed and threw myself now stuck looking at the ceiling thinking of so many things....what I should do...what I should NOT do...what I want to do that I cannot do and things I cannot do but feels the right thing to do.

After a few moments, I heard knocks on my door and I remember texting Jinhe if she can drop by to keep me up to date with work since I cut my vacation short to 1 week. If I stay at grandma's more, I'll die in frustration so I decided to go back and go back working to keep my mind off things.

Jinhe carefully sat on the couch looking down and playing with her fingers nervously. She knows what she did and an official accesory to the crime.

"Ms.Liz..." she softly lifted her head with almost crying eyes. She stood up and ran towards me kneeled and hugged me thighs.

I was controlling my laughter on how guilty she felt...of course I'm not gonna fire her.

"I'm so so so so sorry Ms. Liz!!! I know I had a choice to turn him down and to say no but...but...he was pleading and almost begging on the phone and I became so soft and weak hearing him plead... I'm so sorry Ms. Liz...you can fire me!!!!" she was blabbing too much that I snorted

"Will you stand up??!!! I am not mad okay??!!! and I'm not gonna fire my favorite assistant!!! so can you please get up???" I told her as I can stop myself laughing on how she's reacting

"You're not mad?" she asked wiping her tears.

"Well a little when you texted me and found out...but there's soooooo much further things happened that I have to worry and think about." as I sighed deeply sitting in the couch.

"so from the looks of it....it didn't go well.." Jinhe said sitting beside me.

We spent hours talking...it's like bffs talking about our crushes. I told her about what happened...in the island and how we ended up.

On the other hand she told me that she was officially invited by Jungkook on a date and it's tonight. Her eyes were twinkling and the smile on her face never left. I hope I can feel that same way again.

"Hey I don't wanna keep you here if you have a date....go pamper yourself...look gorgeous and be yourself okay???!!" I was asking her to leave right after she kept me updated on work stuff.

"The thing is...I still have nothing to wear...I dunno how should I look and I can't stop thinking about how I should behave...I..well...I'm——-"

"....freaking out???!!!" we finished her sentence together as I laugh.

"Oh Jinhe!!!! you don't have to ask....c'mon!!!" I said pulling her hand

"What? why? where are we going??!!" she asked

"Duh??!! the salon!!! get this nails done...your hair...those eye brows and lashes...c'mon!!!" i said picking up my purse

"....my eye brows???"

"Yes!!! all of that hair in your body!!! we'll get that fixed!!!"

"like all of it???!!" Jinhe just obediently followed me goong out.


Jinhe's POV:

JK: I can't wait to see you tonight☺️

Me: Me too

JK: I'll pick you up at 6

Me: I''ll be waiting😉

"Jinhe to earth??!!!" Liz was shouting on my ears as she was asking me what nail polish I'd like.

"Oohhh I see why...pfftt!!!" Ms. Liz rolled her eyes looking at my phone while laughing.

"Remember Jinhe....I know this is like your greatest fantasy coming to life and I can see why...I know he's so good looking and a guy you'll drool over an over again...BUT!!!" I flinched pointing her finger close to my nose "You promise me that you'll be true to yourself okay...let him know that you're not the type of girl that an idol can easily get and get into your pants!!——"

"my pants??? I'm wearing a dress remember??!!" I asked not understanding what she meant.

"Tsk...oh Jinhe..." as she puts her palm on her forehead..."just have some boundaries first okay??? I know he is irresistable....but control yourself and still be the girl to be respected."

I nodded listening carefully.


Liz's POV:

I decided to walk back home after I left Jinhe not just to kill time but think...think about Matt. I need to tell him...I want to tell him to get this burden out of me and face the consequences. I don't deserve him....his time...his love.

Exactly 6pm Matt arrived...as I opened the door he immediately hugged me.

"I missed you.." he said leaning in for a kiss the I quickly avoided.  "Look...I'm sorry if I didn't kept in touch while——"

"There's nothing to be sorry about Matt...this is all on me...I was the one who's wrong and pathetic...and...I have been doing some thinking...I think you're just wasting your time in me...I am not the one for you...I just——"

"....no Liz...it's okay...you don't have to feel that way...I'm okay...I wanna be with you..." he said

"Matt...I am just not worth it of your time and your affection...Find someone who can really make you happy——"

"NO!!!... No Liz!!! I said no...so stop breaking up with me please!!!! I wanna be with you...I love you and I'm———"

"I slept with Jimin" i blurted out making him look at me.

"I know you did...but it's all over with him right?!" he asked making my tears flow so fast

".....5 days ago..."

"Excuse me? how did...what——"

"He was with me...at my grandma's by accident...it's not on purpose...he wanted to talk to me...and he found out about my vacation and——"

"Do you still love him???!!" he asked

I looked down not wanting him to look at my mortified face.

"ANSWER ME!! do you still love him???!!!"

"I....I don't know..." as I sob for more.

"FUCK!!!" he threw the vase that scared the hell out me. He was so angry...he sat on the couch and saw his hand bleeding.

"Your hand...." I quickly went inside the bedroom to get the first aid in my bathroom. I took a few minutes to breath from the tension and washed my face before going back to him.

When I went out he was gone and the door was left open.

Fucking shit!

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