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I woke up with an empty bedside. I stood up to scan the room the sign of him. Maybe he's in the living room so I did my morning routine and wore a more comfortable house clothes since I am working from home today.

"Good morning my Liz!!!! how are you feeling??" Hobi's smile as always will definitely brighten your morning.

"Here...have some pancakes" Namjoon giving me a plate. I was still scanning the whole area and my eyes landing on Yoongi.

"You didn't know where he is huh from the look on your face" he said "the vocal line needed to rehearse for their separate performance" he continued as I nodded while playing with my fork.

"Why the sad face huh?" Hobi asked

"He's mad at me" I replied

"Because he felt you don't trust him...especially with something like this..just talk to him later okay?" namjoon suggested and I nodded.

I went back in the bedroom and started working. He hasn't sent me a single reply out of my many texts I sent since I woke up.


After we ate lunch, the vocal line hasn't come back still and Jungkook told me it will take them a few more hours to practice and he said Jimin has been really quiet.

I went out of the room to get a breather and saw Yoongi in the living room with his notebook and I sat beside him letting out a deep sigh.

"Well hello to you too..." he said looking at me "still not responding to you huh?!" and I shook my head.

"Do you want ice cream?!" he asked and I shook my head. "" shook my head again. "Uhhhmmm...cake?! but we have to buy outside" he added and I shook my head again.

"How can I cheer you up huh?" he asked and I smiled which he understood right away. "Oh no no! do you know how much time I spent to erase those from my arms???!! nope!"

"It will really make me happy" as I smiled wider and scooted closer to him as he scotted back away until we reached the end of the couch. He stood up so did I and we ended up running around the living room until I caught his shirt making him sit down in the couch and I quickly rested my head on his lap so he won't dare to move.

"Wow! that was a good laugh!!! I needed that!!" i said panting.

"And an unwanted exercise!!ahaaha" he said. "just this right arm okay?! nothing more!!!" stretching his arm and resting it on my stomach as he hands me his pen as I smiled so wide.

"Where's Hobi and Namjoon?" I asked as I started drawing cat faces

"They went out to go the studio"

"And you?!" i asked

"Babysitting you"

"Ugh! that makes me feel bad...if you needed to go just and mrs. hunk is there right?!" i said pertaining to the 2 bodyguards they have in the house.

"Ahaha...they have a name okay??!! and it's my choice to there's a familiar face you'll see aside from mr. and mrs hunk..." he replied as he smiled back

"Don't move too much!!! look at what you did! ahahaha" i said gripping at his hands to stay put making him lean a little bit towards me.

"What's this?"

We both got startled as I sat back up.

"Seems like I disturbed something huh?!" Jimin was furious as he walked towards his bedroom

"Jimin...we're not doing anything" Yoongi said

"Yeah sure" as he slammed the door.

"Shit!" i cursed as I followed him carefully opening the door. He was sitting on the bed and this is the first time I am actually nervous to come close to him.

I sat with a good distance from where he sits.

"Babe please say something"

"You said you miss're wanna see me so can't function bbecause you're thinking about I fucking went home because I can't stay mad at you...."he staryed speaking

"I do...and..and I'm happy you're here but what you saw——"

"What? what is that huh Liz?"

"Nothing! he was just trying to cheer me up"I firmly said

"And you're letting him get close to you like that? huh?! you're face is almost...ugh! you know what—-"

"So only you and Aera can have skinship like that huh???!!" i lost it and i instantly regretted it as he looked and stood up walking infront of me

"So you're doing this in purpose because of that???"

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to say—-"

"You know what let's just talk another time..." he picked up a few pieces of clothing from his closet and went to the extra masters bedroom.

And I just sat on the bed as I poured myself out sobbing.


I woke up with puffy eyes all red still when I heard someone knocking. It was Tae and hugged me making me cry again.

"Sshhhh...he'll talk to you okay? just let him be...he had a rough day" he said wiping my cheeks. "Jin hyung is calling us to eat" I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry"

"Jimin if you wanna be mad...just be mad at me okay??? she was really down earlier and I just wanted her to smile a little bit because all she thinks about is how mad you are to her and she's so guilty...I have no intention to be a problem with your relationship so please..." we heard Yoongi talking to Jimin on an open door room. "I see both of you as my younger siblings so please cut it out...this jealousy is gonna make your relationship harder"

"Jimin...please try to understand that she is also having a hard time and—-" it was Namjoon but they closed the door so we can't hear anymore.

"Just go out if you're hungry okay? I'll set a plate for you in the fridge" he said patting my head as he closed the door.

I went back to the bed and curled myself up as my mind wandered around...tears still rolling in my cheeks as I felt so bad.

After around 2 hours, it was already 11pm...someone opened the door but didn't dared to look as my body was so lazy to even turn my head.

"I'm still not hungry Tae.."

But he didn't respond. I sat up quickly when I saw Jimin holding a tray with food that he placed on the desk and sat with me on the bed.

He was just staring.

"You look ugly" he smiled and I instantly hugged him making us stumble on the floor.

"I'm so so so sorry babe! please don't be mad anymore...I promise I'll be a good girl" I said as I heard him chuckle.

He looked at me seriously in the eye "We need to trust each other okay?" he said making circles in my cheeks with his thumb as I nodded "I'm sorry about earlier...I was just so jealous i guess and now I felt what you felt seeing that video of me and Aera...I'm sorry..."

"I love you.."I said kissing him softy that he responded instantly.

"I love you too" gives me another kiss as he stood up pulling me up to. He took tray and placed it on the bed. "Eat with me.." he said

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