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The managers and only Namjoon came discreetly the night that day at the hospital, they don't want to create another stir seeing all the members here. They were discussing non stop on how to manage the situation. The pictures are trending and the company did all they can to stop it from spreading.

Liz started to feel her headache again and dizziness looking at the worried looks, hearing the questions what's gonna happen to Jimin...does he need a press conference...

"Baby...are you okay?" he asked as he noticed Liz's hand on her forehead.

"Wa...water please"

He quickly opened a bottle of bottle for her.

"I think we should have a meeting at the office when you come back to Seoul.."one of the managers said as Jimin nodded and took them outside.

"Yeah for Liz to rest" Namjoon said patting Liz's head and smiling. "How are you feeling?!" Namjoon asked.

"I'm okay...thank you Namjoon for coming...and I'm sorry for causing all of these...we should have been more careful" Liz uttered on her lowest voice.

" have to be celebrating your pregnancy...don't put yourself down too have to think of the baby now" Namjoon said.

"Uhm excuse me Namjoon I need to go the the bathroom.." Liz said sitting up and trying to walk straight but she's still light headed.

"Let me take you..."Namjoon said holding her shoulders

"Thank you..."

"Manager-nim, I'm so scared right now...I don't know what to do in this situation...I don't know how Army will take this news about Liz and her pregnancy..."

"We will talk about it...I told you before you go to this trip to be careful.."

"And...will this end my career?"

These are the conversation between Jimin and the manager just outside the door as Namjoon and Liz passed by going to the bathroom.

Both of them were in this awkward silence hearing the conversation, then Liz cleared her throat. "Uhm I think I can go from here...thank you"

"Ssuure..sure" Namjoon awkwardly replied.

The night went by fast and it's already 8am. Liz almost pushed Jimin to sleep on the couch than sit beside her bed all night.
Staring at his sleeping boyfriend, her favorite thing to do is to take a picture of him. She slowly took her celfone and took a picture of him.

Tears started running down her cheeks just thinking about how she's gonna miss him

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Tears started running down her cheeks just thinking about how she's gonna miss him. Holding her tummy as she closed her eyes. "We can do this on our just hang in there okay?" she whispered. "Will do this for your dad.."

Jimin's parents arrived quietly not to wake up Jimin. Liz quickly wiped her tears and gave out her smile.

Jimin's mom hugged Liz right away.

"How are you sweetie?" she asked rubbing her arms that relaxed her tensed shoulders.

"I'm fine...thank you.."she said.

"Liz, I know we just met you but with how Jimin always talks about you it seems like we've known you for so long...please don't let yourself suffer alone...we respect your decision but please talk to my son about it. Please have faith in him..." his dad was holding my other hand.

"And we're here...if everything else fails...we are here..okay sweetie?" his mom giving me assurance.

"Thank you so much...I really can't put words on how kind you are to me...but I think I made my decision...I—-"

"Eomma? Appa?"

The 3 looked at Jimin who just woke up.

"I brought food here, I just cooked these so you two eat them while it's hot." his mom said putting out the food from the bag.

"Jimin, help Liz eat...get that table and feed her this vegetable soup...she needs all the energy she can take" his dad said ordering Jimin

"Yes Appa..." he quickly rolled the hospital table close to Liz and started blowing the soup and feeding Liz. "How are you feeling today baby?" he asked

"I'm fine...your parents are too kind.." Liz whispered to Jimin.

"See? I told you they like you...especially now your carrying their grandchild" Jimin said smiling but Liz just can't smile back with all the things running thru her mind. She cannot let the misery of being a failed artist happen to Jimin...she just can't.

"Babe? I said if you want the chicken?" Jimin asked again making her go back to her sanity.

"Yeah...yeah sure.." but Jimin is convinced somethings wrong as he just stared at her face and she immediately looked away.

"Jimin sweetie do you like some banana or these apples? how about you Liz? do you want something to eat after that?" his mom just timely cuts the couple's conversation

"I'm okay with apples Mrs.Park...thank you" Liz replied smiling. Jimin on the other hand was just looking at her girlfriend trying to figure out whats she is thinking about.

After a few minutes the doctor came in.

"Ms. Williams I can let you go home today, I can see you are from Seoul and will be leaving this town soon. So as soon as you go back, please find an OB Gyne to take care of you. You are not in a good shape on your pregnancy..." he started explaining.

"What do you mean doc?" Jimin asked worriedly

"Her body is not functioning properly for the child's development, she lacks protein, she lacks calcium and now that the baby is there they baby will take all she has left...the reason why she is always dizzy...headache...she can even feel like a vegetable sometimes...weak and tired..."

"But pregnancy would really make you tired and dizzy right?" his mom asked

"Yes, but for her she's gonna be more tired than can easily be drained"

"So what should we do doc?" his dad asked

"She needs a great OB Gyne, she needs support, nutritional food supported by multivitamins and of course she needs family's support...if you live alone maybe you start living together" doctor said looking at Jimin "We do not want an episode where she gets weak and collapses...or gets intense headache and cannot be alone" the doctor ordered. "Here are the presciptions for the headache and dizziness to lessen...take a rest for at least a week before going back to work" and he left.

"I'll find a house near the studio and we move there right away okay?!" Jimin's face spelled worried all over.

"But how about my apartment? my things?" Liz asked

"Take everything you need..."

"How about the guys? will your manager allow you? I think I can handle mys—-"

"No Liz...I'm gonna get a house for us...I'll take care of that right away when we come back" Jimin said.

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