I Need It

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Liz's POV

I woke up feeling the need to throw up...head is pounding and my body won't respond to even stand up. I started crawling to the door of my powder room and held up myself to what seems to me clinging my life to the doorknob as I try so hard to stand up...sight was going around until all the vodka and tequila went up and decided to exit through my mouth to the toilet bowl. I fell on my knees again hugging the bowl.

After what I felt like years, I finally emptied myself and immediately felt the need of water. I leaned back and tried hard to open my eyes without feeling the pounding of my head but I lost.

After a few minutes, I felt little tears fall down. I felt like a 15 year old trying to get over her first crush dumping her. See, I have Matt...he cares about me...he even freakin followed me here....but why am I in this state? A state where it feels I belong to someone else...that I was meant to him. I need him...I want him...I miss him.

I started talking to myself...What if I call him? Nah! sober up first. What are you gonna say? oh hey hot kpop idol park, jimin...my ex-boyfriend, i was thinking of you while making out with my boyfriend...oh and I can't forget about you and I fucking wanna see you... cuz I still love you! damn it!

I pulled my hair like it's all their fault...I tried getting up before I die of dehydration.

Jinhe's POV:

I just saw Jimin's text message this morning and I quickly jumped out of bed, quick shower and went to Ms. Liz's apartment. She gave me a spare key for "just in case" situations....well it's supposed to be work related "just in case" situations but I got worried after Jimin's text that she drunk dialed him...

Jimin: Hi Jinhe, I know this is too much to ask but Liz called me few minutes ago, she was so drunk. Just wanted to know if by any chance you are with her? I'm worried if she's out but can you check up on her? I'll make it up to you! I promise! Thank you!😁

Me: Sorry Jimin! I just woke up...I'm on my way to her apartment hoping she's there...Matt took her home from our girls night out. talk to you later!

And the text was sent 4:30am...oh Ms.Liz where did you go? Matt all took us home...is she that drunk to call Jimin while Matt is there? that would be awkward.

As I parked in front of her building, I looked for Matt's rented car if it's parked somewhere but I don't see it. I grew more worried.

I quickly went inside and scanned the living room...and I saw evidence..

"vodka???...did they drink some more? I knew we where way past drunk already last night...but drink again??...did Matt want her more drunk???"

I heard a thud inside the powder room...

My head hurt seeing Ms.Liz lying on the floor trying to get up...I quickly held her arms on my shoulder and walked to the couch where slammed her back as she lied down. At least she's safe.


I quickly took a glass of water and some aspirin  that she quickly took.

"What happened Ms.Liz?? I thought you were with Matt...how are you feeling?" i asked looking at her still drunken state trying to be sober.

"Uuuugghhhh!!!! you know Jinhe...I had the weirdest dream last night!" she said as she scoffed while trying to sit down but still ended up lying down....she obviously had too much last night.

"Where's Matt? he took you home right?" i asked again...but she seems to avoid my questions.

"I dreamt of talking to Jimin on the phone saying I still love him...ppfftt...well...i told him a lot actually..." she was trying a fake smile and I don't know how to break it to her.

"....he would have been so fucking cocky if he knew I said his name while making out with Matt last night....hahaha!!" she said still doing the fake laugh....oh my god....did she really? "i just can't you know? i can't! I think it's really impossible to forget about him huh Jinhe?...what is with Korean guys????? uuugghhh!!"

I have to...I need to tell her.

"Uhm...Ms. Liz...what if there is a tinnie tiny chance that it wasn't a dream? I got a text——-"


"....from Jimin...oh..there you go..okay...uhm..I'll just be here...in the corner...sitting down..while you uhm...okay" I told her which I think she didn't hear anymore after she checked her phone and stood up...I guess a nice way to sober up.

It was a good 15 minutes of pacing...screaming at the pillow...pulling of hair...hitting her forehead and asking me to slap her a few times but of course I can't so she'll just scream again.

"I need to get out of Korea!" she blurted out after silencing herself. " to help me forget! that's right!..."

I stood up quickly and sat on the coffee table in front of her. This can't be it...team Jiz forever!!! noooooo!!!

"Nooooooo!!!" i slightly screamed making her look at me. "Uhm...well...no...you can't just leave...you have work...we need you...we don't want another boss...and..and..." she cut me off

".....for a vacation.....Jinhe...okay? for-a-vacation" she said making my shoulders relax.

It's not really just because of Team Jiz, I grew close to Ms.Liz, she's a cool boss...literally the work hard play hard kind of boss who treasures her people. We were really lucky having a boss like her...she's a friend that I grew fond of.

"You think you can handle the office for 2 weeks?" she asked.

"Of course! anything for Team Ji—-...uhm for the team...anything for the team! yes...go ahead...you need that!" I said holding up my fist for more conviction. "Where do you plan to go so I can book it"

"To my grandparents in the Philippines....I love going there...it's like I'm a child again that they stuff with great home made food...beach is just a few steps away...and their garden...ugh! they grow their own food...it's just so nice...I'm spoiled there....so yes! I need that..." she said smiling.

"Okay....just give me the details so I can make the resevations okay....and give me all of the info...their address...everything so someone can pick you up from the airport" i replied happily looking at her that the thought of this vacation made her smile already. I wanna ask...I wanna know what happened but she just smiled...and I don't wanna ruin that.

I made lunch for the both of us...and made my famous hangover soup for Ms.Liz. I also started texting Jimin to update him...I had a few texts from him already dying to know Liz's state.

White Lies (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora