Team Park (Last Chapter)

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Author's POV:

A crying Liz just arrived making everyone look. 2 pair of eyes instantly locked when a very intimate silence started.

The guys were awkwardly looking at each other until Namjoon broke the silence.

"Uhm..I think we need to give them some time to talk..."

It felt like just seconds and the place was almost empty with Liz and Jimin still having hesitations on who to talk first.

"I'm sorry I walked away like that" Liz walked and sat opposite Jimin's seat in the living room. He wasn't able to move a muscle when he finally saw Liz again. It felt just like the year and a half that Liz decided to get out of his life.

Jimin was fiddling his fingers, mixed emotions has been eating him. His mind was going on circles trying so hard on what to think...what to do...or say.

"Please say something..." Liz getting his attention

"And then what? you'll leave again?" he was upset...and scared...and tired...and worried

"Jimin...I... I just...I"

You said you love me...what happened?"

"I do...I do Jimin"

"Then I don't get it..."

"Jimin it's just... it's me.. I.." words wont come out of Liz making Jimin feel so helpless

"You know what? Just save it...maybe write me a letter again when I'm not here...and...and leave me.." he stood up but Liz grabbed him and quickly hugged him from the back.

"I feel guilty Jimin...I feel that I don't deserve you...I feel that I am not worth it...that I'm so stupid and weak for leaving you and keeping your daughter away from guilt eats me up so much you don't have an idea how I am struggling to get over it..." Liz poured out sobbing in between words "...I feel so weak...I feel that I easily give up and not fight for this relationship..I don't deserve you.. I—"

"Ssshhhhh...stop it Liz...please...stop saying that" Jimin turned around to face the sobbing Liz. His embrace tightened while kissing her forehead. "Please stop...please don't say that...I love you and you are all I need and Jin Ae. We are a family Liz and yes I know we may not have a perfect relationship but we'll learn how to be good at this as we go and most importantly we have our precious daughter to show how we should be good parents so we need to stick together right?

Jimin continued his sentiments as he cupped Liz's face. "You and Jin Ae came back to me and that is what matters now...and you were protecting me...and helped not just me but the whole group to prosper as a band that's why you left remember? You did it for me Liz...all the hardships we faced apart from each other just made us I don't have an idea why you think that way....please Liz...just don't feel that way anymore. Unless..." he paused and waited for Liz to look at him again.

"unless what?" she asked face still squished between Jimin's hands

"Unless you don't love me anymore" Jimin asked that made Liz grab Jimin's shirt and kissed him in the lips

"Why do you think I feel like this huh Jimin?" she asked breaking the kiss "I am crazy in love with you Park Jimin!!!" she blurted kissing him again.

"And I am crazy in love with you too" Jimin said picking up Liz by her thighs that quickly wrapped around his waist and encouraged a make out.

Tearing up their clothes one by one as Jimin carried Liz to their bedroom, the make out that seems endless and just gets rougher and more wet as their kisses progressed to the neck reaching their bed with only their bottom garments left that they easily took off the moment they hit the soft matress.

Like hungry animals Jimin hovered and continued kissing Liz's bare body as she pulled Jimin's hair for their lips to meet again for another rough make out. Two bodies entangled, hearing each other moan making the night more intimate as it already is. Warm bodies turn into one saying sweet i love yous reaching their highs and then falling asleep just pulling the blanket to cover their bare bodies.


Jimin woke up instantly smelling the coffee aroma and what seems to be bacon. He smiled ear to ear with a note sticked to the lampshade as he slips on his slippers

Last night was deserve an amazing breakfast too my love❤️

"Ha! I was amazing! Like hell I am!!!" he said talking to himself laughing at how he was boasting himself

"Dada!!!" Jin Ae greeted him with high energy as she sticks cut up pancakes from her plate to her mouth.

Kissing Jin Ae her forehead..."Good morning my princess!"

Walking to a smiling and blushing Liz, he grabbed the magazine and covered both their faces from their daughter to give Liz a loving and deep kiss on the lips that Liz immediately answered grabbing Jimin's shirt pulling closer to her munching back Jimin's lips.

"Someone's hungry for my lips...didn't get enough from last night I see" Jimin casually teased Liz putting down the magazine and pulling a chair beside her daughter.

"Are you done teasing me?" Liz sat in front of Jimin placing her chin on her hand as she watches them eat.

Finishing up with breakfast...Jimin was sipping his coffee.. "And are you done staring?"

"I'm not staring...I'm just looking" Liz said still looking at Jimin

Jimin finally noticed.

"Are you?...Is that?" wide eyes, pointing at Liz's hand wearing the ring.Jimin quickly stood up and ran towards Liz.

"Ugh! I didn't even asked you again!!! and hearing the 'yes' word from you!!! Uggghhh!!! Lizzzzz!!! you really make me craaazy!!! I love you!!! Jimin spinning Liz then turning to his daughter that he carried. "Oh my princess!!! Mommy will marry Daddy!!! can you believe that???!!! You and I are so lucky to have Mommy right???

Putting down Jin Ae, the kid started jumping and clapping without understanding what is happening and Jimin running back to Liz with a tight hug.

"You are not gonna leave me okay? we are in this together like a team right?" Jimin cupping her face.

"Yes!!! Team Park!!! Let's go!!!"



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