Chapter 43

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I just stupidly realized i said the last chapter was chapter 43  and it was actually chapter 42 so no i haven't deleted any chapters it was me having a blonde moment, i do apologize, this is chapter 43, sorry for any confusion xo

okay, i admit it, i love Harry, how could i go through all i have with him and not love him.

Of course i do.

I just wasn't planning on ever telling him, in-fact I've been denying it for so long I'm starting to want to fall out of love with him.

All he has put me through is inexcusable. 

I went to bed put locked my bedroom door first, just incase Harry thought he'd check out 'Liam's date'.

I slept roughly and when i did sleep i found myself dreaming of, well..Him.

Hopefully hiding away will be easy.

If you're wondering about college, im dropping out, getting a job somewhere nearby but not too close.

I know it would be so much easier to just move home but i don't have the money to get their, my mum will ask me tons of questions and well, i really like it here.

Plus i would find it way too hard to leave Niall and Liam behind.

It hit nine o'clock and i was getting bored so i decided to check my phone, knowing it will be blown up with texts.

I decided to read Kelly's then Harry's.


-Babe, i can't believe what's happening, please call me when you get this xo

-Rose, im so sorry about everything, why didn't you just tell me, i feel like such a shit friend, how could i of not noticed how upset and hurt you was.

-Please babe, answer me back.

-WHAT! you've gone home, i just got your letter, im crying so damn hard! Rose, please, come back xo

-Turn that car around! Me and Harry have just been to Niall's, i can't take it anymore, i miss you. Niall told us your mom picked you up, where was my goodbye? In a note? Babe..please.

-Harry's a mess. Im a mess, we're torn without you.

-I miss you x 

After wiping my blury wet eyes, i decided to read Harry's.

~Sex god Harry~

-Rose, please when you got into Nialls car, it hurt so much, when you didn't say you loved me back, it hurt even more. Text me x

-Rose for fuck's sake Im on my way to your dorm with Kelly, we're all worried sick x

-I didn't mean to freak you out, but i do, i really do love you x

-ROSE, please tell me you have not gone home, please! How could you leave me, you promised Rose, you promised you wouldn't go home Remember?

-I'm at Liams right now, layed on his lumpy coach and all i keep doing is reading the letter you wrote to Kelly, i kept it for myself, i wish you had wrote me a letter or at least said goodbye, i miss you x

-Rose please, please come back, its half three in the morning and i dreamt of you, i dreamt you were in Niall's and Liam's dorm living room, you said you loved me too, it sounded so real, where are you Rose, please text me back, something just so i know you're okay? x

-I've decided im not moving from Niall's coach until you text me back, i'll rot on this thing if i have to, i'll starve and i won't wash, just please, text me.

-I love you Rose x

-Im begging, just a quick text Rose x

Then i got a new text through, from Harry.

-I  don't regret us one bit, i keep thinking about you, every little thing reminds me of you, the way Niall makes my coffee, it tastes like yours, the way he burns my toast, i love the fact that i can smell your lingered scent of perfume on my shirts because i know how much you loved wearing them, and you know how much i loved to see you in them. Rose, i don't regret admitting my love for you infront of..well..everyone, because that's how i feel, i love you so much Rose and now you're gone, i feel nothing but emptiness and pain, it hurts Rose, oh fuck it hurts so much, please just one text and i'll live my life but i'll never ever forget about you, i'll stop bothering you, it's true what they say 'you never realize what you had until its gone' please just one fucking text so i know you're okay x

And so i did.

- I'm home now. Please, forget about me, because that is what i am trying to do about you, good bye Harry.

And with that, my eyes stung and my hands were shaking as my thumb hovered over the 'send' button.

I closed my eyes as i tapped my screen.

'Message sent'

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