7. Meeting His Friends.

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Terrance's POV

I felt a sudden loss of warmth as the girl in my arms woke up. I yawned and sat upright, running my fingers through my hair. She then turned and looked at me.

"What the...did we? Did you? Do that?" She asked looking at shocked and I gave her the 'wtf' look.

"What the fuck?!" I interrobanged when she started to wail dramatically.

"Terrance, how could you do this to me?" She face-palmed and not a single tear fell from her eyes. "What did I ever do to you?"she asked.

Drama queen.

"What are you doing in my bed?" He asked.

"What were you thinking when you put me underneath you?" She narrowed her eyes

"Get out." I warned.

"No, not until you tell me what the actual heck you are doing on my bed." She challenged. "Am I naked?" She asked looking into the blanket before she sighed in releif while I gave her a weird look.

I got out of bed ignoring her and went into the bathroom to bath. After my bath, I came back to find her gone.

Thanks God!

I heard my phone ring and I picked it up.

"Yo dude, up for a boy's night?" He asked over the phone.

"Yeah whatever." I replied boredly and hung up. Since I didn't get the chance to hang out with them because of Esther, this was another way. I just hope she won't ruin this too.

So I wore a T-shirt and some jeans and jogged downstairs for breakfast.

"Thank you Sir, Martha taught me how to make these." Esther said innocently.

Why that little-

"It's really good, Son, come and sit with me." Dad said motioniong me to his side. I glanced at Esther who huffed and looked away folding her arms and I rolled my eyes. So dramatic.

I sat next to Dad in the chair and started to it. It was toast with some eggs and coffee.

Damnit was good.

"Sir, may I be excused please?" Esther asked and I looked at her with the bread in my mouth.

"Of course, of course." He said and she left.

"The new maid is polite, respectful and humble, don't you agree son?" Dad asked and I nearly choked on my meal.

If only you knew dad, if only.

So respectful enough to watch T.V in my room and so humble to talk back at me.

"Yeah." I answered sarcastically but I don't think he realised my tone. And I don't think he should. Poor old man could have a broken fragile heart.

"Any guy who gets her will be lucky." He chuckled and I clamped my jaw together tightly.

"Mhm." Like I cared.

Esther's POV

I finally finished all my chores for the night and I had to sleep but I didn't feel sleepy, I felt bored.

Something (Don't ask what) finally popped into my head and I sauntered downstairs. I heard a bunch of deep voices shouting and laughing as I stood near the pillar in the gigantic hall too look.

There was Terrance, who's well built back was facing me and some extremely other hot guys surrounding there and they were playing video games! My favourite!

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