16. I Wish I Was Tall

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Terrance's POV

"Did we get get the repellents?" Jamila asked when Nigel was grunting when he put put the tents into the car.

"What's more important is the food and luckily, we bought them." Esther smiled and everyone scoffed.

"Your food addiction is not good for your own good." Silas said and she pouted adorably. I growled when she hugged his arm briefly.

"Let's just get this shit over with." I interrupted.

"Talking about shit, did we get the shovel and spade?" Esther asked panicking.

"Dang! she's not wrong there." Shark added and we got them. After we finnished packing up, we got into the car and set off.

"Guys, we're going on hiking after we set our tents right?" Esther chirped and they all muttered 'Yeah, yeah'

"But we'll split when we get there." Silas explained further.

"This is going to be fun!" Esther squealed. I just sat there, clenching and unclenching my jaw every second.

"Dude make sure you don't make us crash." Nigel said beside me. I looked through the mirror only to see Esther and Silas chatting with the rest and a pang went into my chest.

Stupid hell?!


We pulled up at the camp site and started bringing out the items we bought whiles Esther was singing.

"I say, I say, I think I hate School, I do, I do,

I think I hate School, heh, I do, I do."

"Esther shut the fuck up " Jamila grumbled and I couldn't agree more.

"Oof!" Esther sighed.

"Let's set out tents." Silas reminded and we started to do so.

As I was setting mine, I watched Esther who was energetically helping her friends set their tent and I quickly looked away when Jamila caught me staring at Esther.

I remember when I was young, my mum used to make me watch her set up a tent and it came out pretty handy. In no time, I set up my tent and the others did the same.

"You girls sure you can go on your own?" Nigel asked the girls who decided to go on their own.

"Of pffff, we can handle it." Esther laughed lightly.

"Ah, well." Sharderaque shrugged.

We decided to split, I go with the boys and Esther goes with with the girls. I went into my tent to get a few a things and when I came out my they had already left gone and the only left was Esther.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, just digging a hole." She explained.

This girl seems serious about shit.

"Do you know where the guys went?" I asked.

"They passed the hole in dug." She answered sarcastically. "How am I supposed to know?" She asked and I glared at her.

I ambled past her to go the hike.

"Whoa, Wait! Are going to just leave me here?" She whined running to me.

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