10. Has She Poisoned Me?

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Terrance's POV

I wore my clothes right after I finnished drying myself and went downstairs to eat. The aroma of cornmeal mush could be smelt at a distance, increasing the rumbling of my stomach.

I sat patiently at the dinning hall, waiting for my food to be served. Dad had gone on a business trip and I didn't know when he'll be back so that explains why I was sitting alone.

Tired of waiting, I walked into the kitchen. Esher was standing on a stool and she was trying to reach for something on the upper shelf.

I rolled my eyes and moved to stand an inch away from her and I was about to tell her not to turn but shit, it didn't happen.

She turned around due to shock since she gasped. I had no choice but to wrap my arm around her small waist or else she would have fallen in a slanted position.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath when her bust crashed against chest and her hands rested on my shoulders whiles her legs fell in between mine.

To save us from blushing further, I took whatever she was trying to take, carried her slightly onto her feet and gave her whatever she was trying to reach.

She had dark circles under her black eyes and I wondered why she wouldn't have a good sleep, I mean she eats a lot.

But why would I care?

All I care about is finding a way to make her mad, make her feel how frustrated she makes me but fuck, it's doesn't happen.

I need to try harder.

"Make me an apple juice right now." I ordered. A small part of expected her to argue but she nodded and opened the fridge and brought out the apple.

She's quite quiet today..what happened?

I watched her every move as she blended it in the fruit mixer and poured it into a glass, placed it on a tray and gave it to me. I wondered why she didn't take it and drink it.

Has she poisoned me?

I took the glass and drank it looking keenly at her till she rolled her eyes.

"Dude, I didn't out poison in your drink. You were here the whole time so stop giving me that weird look." She informed.

Once an Esther, always an Esther.

"Are you okay though?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?"  She asked.

"You should feel good I'm asking you." I sipped.

"Well, I could say same for me minding you." Zhe grinned and I clenched my jaw.

"Bitch." He muttered and she sighed.

"You can't do anything about it." She giggled and I rolled my eyes again and walked out of the kitchen.


I and the guys moved out of the hall for lunch and saw Esther laying the table .

"Guys, have your seats, I'll get your meal.'' She smiled sweetly and Silas winked at her making me groan. When she turned to leave, I caught him staring at her rear.

"Dude are you serious?" I whispered at him.

"What? She's hot okay?" He informed.

Like I had no idea.

She left and we all took our seats chatting about random stuff. "Man, don't you think Esther's friends are cool? Just like her?" Nigel asked and they murmured in agreement.

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