35. Maybe, Just Maybe.

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Esther's POV

"Can't you drive any faster?!" I sobbed and Nina held my shoulders. Immediately I was informed about Terrance's accident, I told the others and we set off to the hospital.

"Calm down Esther." Nina whispered and I spread my palms on my cheeks. My phone vibrated of a message and I brought it out to read it.

Are you so happy that you forgot me? Exactly what I thought. So I decided that by wiping out your husband from this earth so that I can get you. Oh so that simply means, I'll kill anyone who tries to take you away from me.

My stomach churned in hatred and fear and I read the message again and typed my reply.

Why can't you just leave me alone? Huh?

Then came the reply.

Because I love you and since you betrayed my love, I want REVENGE.

Esther! stop crying, everything will be fine." Nina assured and before I could reply her, Nigel beat me to it.

"We're here."

We all got down and rushed into the hospital.

"Um hey Miss, has any patient called Terrance Dogulas been admitted here recently?" Shark asked the lady.

"Let me check, have a seat." She said calmly and I wished I could slap her.

"No, hurry the fuck up!" My cracked voice managed to come out. The lady flinched at my words and typed something onto the computer.

"Ward 26 middle floor and please fill these forms." She grumbled and we rushed to that floor after I filled the forms with some crappy gibberish handwriting.

We reached the place and met up with the doctor.

"Doc, where the patient called Terrance Dogulas?" Silas demanded.

"Which one of you are his relatives? " He asked and I stood in front of Silas.

"Me, I'm his wife." I answered wiping my wet cheeks again.

"Oh ok but please don't worry, your husband will be fine." He assured.

"Is he fine or he will be fine?" I demanded.

"Please, don't worry."

"I want to see him now." I ordered.

"Sorry Mrs but you can't see him right now."

"And why?!" I demanded almost annoyed.

"Ma'am please first of all, calm down and-"

"Calm down? What the fuck? My husband's life is in danger and you're telling me to calm down? What the hell? Let me see him!" I yelled.

Just as I was about to lunge at the poor doctor who was just trying to do his job, Silas held me from behind and engulfed me in a calming hug.

"Esther calm down." He said placing his chin on my head.

"No dude, I need to see Terrance..he..he needs me." I muffled into his chest.

"OK Ma'am, if you want to see him, then you'll have to wait." The doctor countered when I broke away from Silas.

"How long will I wait?" I asked rubbing my puffy eyes as I hiccuped.

"A..about f..five hours." He said. I sighed a shaky sigh before I sat into a chair and I ran my fingers through my hair.

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