39. Where Could She Be?

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Terrance's POV

I opened my eyes only to realize that there was no warmth and worst of all, I was sleeping alone.

Thinking Esther had gone into the kitchen, I got out of bed and went straight into the bathroom to brush my teeth and bath as well. After my bath, I put on my suit, grabbed my tie and went downstairs for Esther to do it for me.

The aroma from the kitchen indicated that she was cooking but I entered to find Karen cooking rather.

"Karen, where's Esther?" I asked and she turned to me

"Huh, I thought the two of you were in bed so I decided not to wake you." She explained.

"Maybe..she went to visit her parents?" She suggested helping me with my tie. That could also be possible because she told me some weeks ago that she missed her mom.


I absentmindedly nodded my head as I listened to the employees who were making their presentations. This was because my mind was focused on Esther. She could have at least told me before she left.

Again, she had been acting strangely these days. Even though she smiled, it seemed her smile was fake looking at how worried she was. And what could prove this more was that she of all people forgot to eat.

"Um..Sir?" The guy making his presentation cleared his throat and I looked up from my seat.

"I'm done." he said and I motioned him to take his seat. After a while, I adjourned the meeting and left the room to my office.

I shut the door and sat at my desk. I glanced at my door and two different memories flashed in my mind.

*Flash Back*

"Dad, when will Mommy come?" I asked my father who was going through his laptop. Dad had picked me up from school and brought me to his workplace to wait for mom  and I was missing her even though  I saw her everyday.

"Don't worry my boy, she will be here." He said and he suddenly got a call.

"Yes honey..you're here?..Yeah come for him..ok..ok.." He said and before he could understand me, I opened the door and dashed outside to Mommy. I hugged her waist making her chuckle before I broke away.

"Mommy, will I ever be tall?" I pouted.

She sighed and knelt to my height. "Yes my prince, even taller than me." She said and I jumped in joy. Dad later came out and approached us.

"He's been very naughty." Dad complained when he leaned and pecked her lips.

"Do you see how I suffer?" She chuckled and they both looked down at me when Dad wrapped his arm around her waist. Dad bent and picked me up a as mom tickled me.

"Mom!..Stop!" I begged giggling and she stopped and I hugged my parents , wishing they would never ever separate but fate had other things in mind.

*End Of Flashback*

I felt happy when I remembered those memories even though I knew they would never take place again. But another recent one came into my mind.


I gripped her wrist and glared at the guys to go back to work. Later, I and dragged her to my office and shut the door.

"Stand here and shut up." I warned and moved to sit at my desk.

She was silent for exactly two seconds and she started clicking her tongue.

"Are you mad?" I snarled looking up from the files I was going through.

"Baby, don't be angry, I'm just feeling bored." She whined.

"Hey do you mind if I-" She started.

"Yes, yes I mind." I cut her off and she opened the door.

"Where the fuck are you going?" I demanded.

"I was asking if you mind whether I stay here and you said you do so I'm leaving." She announced.


"Bye baby!" She shut the door and left.

*End Of Flashback*

I smiled as I recalled those memories. I then picked up my phone and dialed her number. The call went through but she didn't pick.

I thought she was teasing me so I called again and again but she didn't pick.

I suddenly grew worried. Where could she be? And what did she want to tell me last night? Why the hell did I have a feeling she was hiding something from me?

I had seen her crying at odd times but when I asked her why, she would either tell me her food had finished or she was worried about me. I groaned and ran a hand through my hair in confusion. I had a lot of work to do today but my mind was on Esther. I had never been this worried before, maybe it was because I had not seen her today.

A part of me sensed she was in danger but I quickly brushed that off.

My mind drifted back to the time I was stabbed by that guy.

Stay away from her.

Who could this 'her' be? Could it be Esther?

I thought so because she as the only girl I was with and I wondered who that guy even was.

And if I could remember clearly, Esther had told me she did something horrible in the past. Oh shit! How could I forget that?

Again, I thought she was stressed ou because of my accident even though I had recovered, she still seemed stressed out.

Something fishy was going on and I had to find out one way or the other. 


I shut the car door and  briskly walked into the house. Everyone was sitting in the hall except Esther.

"Where's Esther?" I asked and they looked among themselves.

"That was exactly what we were wondering." Shark said and I sighed. I walked out of the hall and entered our room only to find her phone by the bed.

"Damnit she didn't take her phone." I muttered under my breath and proceeded to take my shoes off. Right after that, walked into the bathroom and took a shower and came back into the room in a pair of jeans.

The room was silent and full of emptiness, making me miss my wife more because if she were here, she would have taken out a shirt for me which matched her clothing or she would have sung songs just to annoy me. Or she would probably turn me on and tease me. Damn I was so in love with her.

I opened the wardrobe. After shuffling the clothes, I finally removed a black shirt to wear over  my black jeans and jogged back downstairs to the others who had a long-faced looks on thier faces.

I face-palmed and Silas patted my back. Where the fuck could she be? I was missing her so much.

For like ever, no one spoke and the hall was worse than a cemetery buried with mute people and the thoughts of Esther was in my mind.


Yeah, extremely sorry for this lame, boring filler chapter but it had to come.

So, next chapters are gonna be action packed, because a lot of  shit's about to go down so brace yourself for shocking news.

Let's find out where and who Esther really is and also the name of the guy who had always be threatening her.

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