50. Bet Me.

710 46 72

Months Later...

Esther's POV

I tied my hair into a ponytail after my bath and walked over to Terrance who was sleeping like a log.

"Baby, wake up, you have worked today." I reminded taping him. The kids were downstairs waiting for me to feed them.

"Baby." I knelt by him and shook him by his muscular back. He groaned, turned and pulled me to lay on him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Terrance, wake the fuck up." I groaned. He tilted himself making me turn and he pressed me to him and I sighed.

"Terrance. Baby. Terrance wake the fuck up." I slapped his cheeks.

"Huh? Huh? Hm?" He opened his eyes and looked at me. His black locks had fallen onto his gorgeous face and he smirked weakly.

"You have work today." I grumbled trying to wriggle out of his hold but he kissed my forhead and continued to squeeze me.

"Terrance, let me go." I whined.

"Oh why do you want to leave me?" He mumbled with his eyes closed.

"I have work to do too." I reminded

"But I have work to do with you as well."  He chuckled and I gasped when he squeezed my left butt.

"Terrance!" I yelped blushing and he held me tighter. My breath stopped when he crept his hand under my shirt.


"Shhh." He lazily placed his finger on my lips with his eyes still closed. When his hands fidgeted with the hook of my bra, I grabbed his shirt.

"Baby wake the fuck up, you have work today and I have to feed our four kids!" I yelled shaking him. He led out a groan and laid his heavy body on me. I..I bit his cheek.

"Ow! Esther!" He growled jerking up with a start in his more husky voice. He rubbed his cheek and I smiled.  I moved to kneel behind his well built back.

"Morning baby." I giggled massaging his shoulder.

"Clear off," He muttered.

"Aww, was it that painful?" I whined massaging his hair and he relaxed. Before he could grab me I slipped out of bed and fell on the floor with a thud.

"Shit." I muttered. I quickly got up and ran out of the room to go downstairs to feed the kids.

They were roaming about in their walkers and playing and chewing their stuffy toys and the entire hall was a mess with scattered toys.

Thanks to Terrance who started spoiling them.

"Okay kiddy boos, let's go eat." I sighed and they followed me to the dining hall. I lined them up in a different chairs, eldest to youngest and I sat in front of the.

Mom had prepared their cereals for them already and they had it in front of their table. So that means I had to feed them in turns.

"Aaamu!" I giggled when I fed Bezalel. I 'awwed' when he swallowed a spoonful of the cerelac. I moved on to Bevelyne who had her fist to her mouth and she was biting her knuckles with just the only pair of teeth she had grown.

She removed her fist from her mouth and allowed the food to enter with haste.

"Good girl." I praised and pinched her cheeks softly.

"Open up Baby." I squealed at Terrance jnr and he ate his.

"Mom-in-law, eat for me." I begged Agnes. She had her palms on her cheek and she had pouted, looking so fucking adorable. They were all so cute and I was extremely grateful for these children.

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