Hate That I Love You

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Jo's POV

I hate when he doesn't answer me, I know he's probably hanging out with his friends but I get worried.

The time zone difference also sucks because it's 1am in the UK and here it's 5pm.

I don't know why I have this need to hear his voice all the time, to see if his alright. It's undeniable - I'm fucking in love with him.

I miss his green eyes, I miss waking up next to the man of my dreams. The last time I slept well was the night before he flew back to London. Since then I wake up every hour during the night.

Of course I don't tell him, I want him to have the best time at home and not worry about me. But I'm not gonna lie, I can't wait for him to come back to me.

I decide to go to instagram because I'm dying of boredom. When I enter I see that on of Hero's friend is doing an instagram live so I decide to join.

They are completely drunk but that was kind of expected to happen so nothing new.
I barely understand their accents but they are at some party.

The thing is that this party is full of girls wearing only their underwear, why the hell are they in this kind of parties?

My heart starts to beat faster when I see him, he's wearing a white sweater so I can see him perfectly.

He's with Felix and two girls are approaching them but suddenly the video goes black, it seems like someone covered the camera. Suddenly I hear someone saying, "Fuck, it's Jo bro! Hero's gonna kill me"
"Turn that off man!" I hear another one saying and suddenly the live ends.

I try to process what just happened. I just saw my boyfriend in a party full of naked girls - literally.

I don't know when I started crying but I feel tears on my cheeks. I put my hands on my head and I start sobbing. I start crying whenever I feel anger or sadness and think it's both. How could he do this to me?

I don't only feel anger and sadness but also disgust. I'm still in shock, I can't even think straight.

My phone starts to ring but I don't even want to see if it's him. My head feels so heavy and so does my heart.

Twenty minutes ago everything was alright, life can really surprise us, huh?

My phone starts to ring again and I decide to pick up because why not? He won't stop calling until I do something.

"What do you want?" I say harshly. "Josephine, it's not what you think" he sobered up quickly. "I can't believe you did this" I say, unable to stop myself from crying.

"Don't cry, fuck" he curses and I know he his running his fingers through his hair. "I didn't do anything, I swear"

"I can't trust you, I-I just c-can't" I say between sobs. "You cheated on me.." I put my hand on my mouth to control my sobs.
"I didn't cheat on you for God's sake Josephine, I'm going to Los Angeles tomorrow morning, I'm not going to lose you for this shit" he says firmly.

"Please don't" I feel like throwing up at any moment. "Stay away from me, please" I close my eyes and more tears begin to fall. "Jo, I won't give up on us, please list-" I can't hear his voice anymore.

I turn my phone off, unable to process what is happening.


It's been a day since that happened and I haven't left my apartment. I don't feel absolutely anything, I don't think I've ever been this sad in my entire life.

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