High For This

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Jo's POV

I open my eyes slowly, the morning light hitting my eyes. He always forgets to close the damn windows. Asshole.

I check my phone and notice that the alarm is about to go off. I always wake up one minute before my alarm, I don't know why. At least I don't hear that awful sound.

I look beside me and and a handsome man is sleeping on his back, one arm in my pillow where my head was previously and another one behind his head.

His biceps flexing, dirty thoughts in my head.
We were up late last night, my body is sore and I sure as hell don't want to leave this bed.

I take the covers out of me and as I'm about to get up a strong hand takes me back to bed. "Herooo" I can't help but smile.

"Hmm" he murmurs. "Where do you think you're going" he puts me on top of him, his hands on my butt.

"I told you last night, I have to go to my agency" his hands on my skin are the best feeling ever, I'm never taking this for granted.

He opens his beautiful green eyes and I smile. He suddenly rolls us over so he's on top of me. He kisses me and looks at my chest. "Boobies"

"You always say that as if you've never seen them" I laugh as he gently bites my nipples, sending a shiver right between my legs.

"I always get excited when I see any part of your body" I giggle at his words.
"Yeah I know and as much I'm loving this, I have to get up" he makes a sad face and lets me go but not before giving me another kiss.

I get up and I feel his eyes on my butt, this man is insatiable.
I put skinny black jeans and a white top on.

He gets up and hits my butt as he passes behind me to the bathroom. I love him.

"I'm going with you" he says from the master bathroom. I enter the bathroom to do my makeup, he's shaving in the sink next to mine.

"I'm only picking scripts up. It's boring" I lock my eyes with his in the mirror.

"I don't have anything to do today so I thought about going with you, maybe we could grab lunch somewhere afterwards?" he asks me. I heard everything he said but when he's shirtless it's hard to concentrate.

"Yeah sure, I love it" I finish doing my makeup and lean against the washbasin. He grabs my hips and kisses my forehead. I grab his chain and push him down so I can give him a proper kiss.

"My chain drives you insane, doesn't it?" he teases me.
"It sure does. Hottest thing you own" I giggle.

He puts his hands in the back of my thighs and lifts me up, my legs wrapped around his waist.

"I wish I could undress you, put you inside that shower and fuck you against the wall in this exact position" he whispers in my ear.

My breasts feel heavy, my mouth dry. The impact his words have on me leaves me speechless.

"Too bad you can't" I kiss his neck and he drops me softly on the ground.

"Yeah, too bad" he smirks.
He puts a grey shirt on and we leave the house.


Hero's POV

I'm holding her hand as we enter her agency's building. I do this automatically, I don't even think about it.

I greet her manager and give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to smoke, I'll wait for you in the hall" she nods and I make my way outside of the building.

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