Perfectly Imperfect

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Jo's POV

5 weeks ago

I love making love to him, I love how gentle he is with me, how good he makes me feel.

"Don't stop" I say almost out of breath. His mouth against my neck feels like heaven, his soft hands caressing my sides.


It's probably the last time we're going to do this for a long time. He's going back to London tomorrow and I don't know when he'll be back.

I kiss his lips as I feel my eyes getting wet. This is the best feeling ever and also the worst.

We both reach our highs together, he kisses my lips and I kiss him back harder. This is so fucking painful.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks me softly.
"Nothing" I hide my face on his warm neck.

"I'll be back soon" he promises me.
"I know" I say but I don't mean it. It's never soon, but what can I do?


We've texted two times in one week. TWO IN ONE WEEK.

I don't know what's happening but I don't like it, what is wrong with him? Fuck, what is wrong with us?

I've been stressed, nauseous, I look bad as fuck, this whole thing is making me go crazy. Literally.

"You look terrible" Mia, my best friend, says.
"Thanks" I say sarcastically.

"Just call him already! Or I will! This situation is making you sick, Jo. Like seriously! Have you looked at yourself?" she snaps.

"Maybe it's the flu, I don't know. Do you think I'm like this because of him? Please" I lie.

"Of course I do! Stress can put us in very delicate situations. It's normal you're like this, it's someone you love we're talking about" she says.

My hands are shaking just with the thought of calling him. Mia is right, I need to solve this but why am I so scared?

"Fine, I'll call him" I say.
She smiles and leaves me alone.

It's now or never.
I press the FaceTime bottom, oh God.

"Hey" he says from the other side of the phone.
"Hi" I answer him, he's nervous too.

"Why haven't you called?" I shoot immediately, let's cut the bullshit already.
He lets out a deep breath.

"We haven't talked much so I didn't know what to do" he says.
"So it's my fault then?" I laugh.

"I didn't say that, calm down. I thought you didn't want to talk so I didn't call" I feel my head spinning.

"So if I didn't call you wouldn't have called?" I ask.
"That's not what I said-" I don't let him finish it.

"You know what? We should just break up! We haven't seen each other in almost two months, we don't talk, I don't see reasons for us to be in a fucking relationship!" I say.

"Jo stop overreacting, you look pale as fuck" I see worry in his eyes but right now I don't give a fuck.

"That's how I've been this whole time! Sick as fuck! I don't eat, I'm stressed, my period hasn't even come! I'm so done with this, I need this to stop" I'm crying at this point.

"You're period what?"
Fuck what did I say.

"Nothing, forget about it" I wipe my tears away.
"Jo, talk with me. I'm worried" he's face is so damn handsome, I can't look at him.

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