Mad Love

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Jo's POV

"He hasn't answered me since last night" I sigh. Anna is in my apartment right now but I can't help but being in a bad mood. I'm probably being paranoid but he left me on read last night, he never leaves me on read. Ever.

I miss him so much it hurts my heart and soul. This distance shit is killing me. I just want to be around him, is that too much to ask for?

"Jo, he probably went out with his friends and forgot to answer" Anna tries to cheer me up but it doesn't help at all. "Yeah, probably"

"You know what? I have a surprise for you and I'm sure it will cheer you up" she suddenly says looking at her phone.

"I doubt it" I give her a small smile.
"I'm going to blindfold you" she says, grabbing a scarf. "Wow, it must be good then" I chuckle.

After blindfolding me, she leads me towards the front door and lets go of me. "I'm going downstairs to grab your surprise but don't remove the scarf, young lady!" she laughs. I laugh too, promising her.

It's been a few minutes since she left but I finally hear the elevator opening.

"What took you so long?" I giggle. No one answers me and I start to panic. What if someone else entered my apartment?

"Anna?" I ask again, I'm getting nervous. The person closes the door and I feel an energy around me I only feel with one person. My heart starts to beat faster, it can't be him can it?

I start to feel butterflies in my stomach, it's impossible... The person gets closer, touching my hand.

And that's when my doubts disappear, it's him. My body only reacts like this when he's around. "Oh my.." my voice cracks and tears start to fall down my face.

He removes the scarf from my eyes gently so our eyes can finally meet. The scarf falls to the ground and I throw myself at him. His hands wrap around me and I cry, I can't stop crying.

"Hi, baby" he kisses my neck and I hug him tighter. I'm scared if I let go of him, he'll disappear.

"I can't believe you're here" he puts me down but he doesn't let go of me. "I am, I missed you so much" he tells me and I swear to God my heart is about to explode from happiness.

"How did you get here? When? Why?" I have so many questions dear lord.

"Plane, today, because I love you" he answers them all laughing. He whips my tears away and I lead him to my bedroom.

"You didn't even kiss me, huh?" he says, grabbing my waist making both of us fall in bed. I was so overwhelmed with his presence I completely forgot to kiss him.

He puts his hand on my cheek and our lips meet. It feels heavenly to be this close to him after our time apart. "I love you" I tell him. "I love you"

He puts himself on top of me, making me giggle. "Look what we have here" he jokes, analyzing my body. He puts his hands underneath my shirt, caressing my sides.

I'm only wearing his shirt, he's dangerously close to me. I need more.
"Hero, please.." I beg, his hands find their way to my breasts making my chest rise and fall uncontrollably.

I take his t-shirt off and I lift my back so he can remove mine. He gets up taking his pants and boxers off, I'm completely naked in front of him. I will never get tired of this, it's the best thing in the world to have this intimacy with someone you love.

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