Slow Motion

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Hero's POV

I enter the bar in downtown London where my friends and I are supposed to be meeting tonight.

Jo is coming in a few minutes because she's coming with Felix's girlfriend. How did she choose to come with Sarah instead of me? I'll pretend to be annoyed later tonight to have my way with her.

"Look who it is!" Morgz greets me with a big smile. "Hey, guys" I hug everyone and seat next to James and Alex.

"You finally remembered you have friends" James jokes. I smile, "my girl is here, it's called priorities"

"Ohhhh he ended us now" Felix says playfully.
"You can talk much, man" I say. Him and Sarah are inseparable too.

"So what have you guys been doing? Playing doctors?" Alex teases me and everyone laughs.

"Man, I'm a gentlemen I'm not going to talk about my business with her" I smile just remembering what we did before coming here.

My phone vibrates and I take it off my pocket. She sent me a photo with the description: "Do you like it?" I guess it's a picture of her outfit.

I open it and I wish I wasn't it public right now. My face can't hide the enthusiasm I'm feeling after seeing her photo.

She's wearing a silk black dress that looks extremely good on her, like crazy good. It's quite short and has a lot of cleavage. She's wearing knee high boots and her hair is loose just like I like to see it. She's wearing red lipstick, she never does that... I love it.

I answer her saying to get here quickly and then I put the phone back on my pocket. I lick my lips and smile to myself, what a lucky man I am.

"Bros" James says to Felix and I.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" I say confused. "At what time are the girls arriving?" he asks.

"In like five minutes, why?" Felix answers. "You remember that group of boys who got arrested by the cops last month because of their behavior? They got drunk and then went chasing girls?"

We nod for him to continue. "They're outside, Mike texted me"

Felix and I immediately get up and make our way outside, they're like a group of 4 boys and they're younger than us. It's embarrassing that in 2020 girls still need to be protected from these kind of pervs.

They would obviously look at her, she's gorgeous every damn time but tonight she's especially hot and just the thought of one of them touching her makes my blood boil.

I grab a cigarette and start smoking, I'm already stressed. "Man, relax. We're here" Felix says as he smokes too.

"I know you man, you're thinking the exact same thing I am" I say. He chuckles and looks at the group of idiots next to us.

An uber stops in front of the bar and they leave the car, my eyes go straight to my girl as soon as she opens the black car.

I bit my bottom lip as I make eye contact with her. She's smiling and it's truly the best view I'll ever have.

Sarah and Felix go inside and I stay outside with her as I finish my cigarette. "Are you going to kiss me or what?" she says.

I lean down, grab her waist with one hand and kiss her gorgeous red lips. She's used to me smoking and she says she doesn't mind but I try not to smoke a lot around her.

"You look sexy as hell, baby" I whisper on her ear, I look down at her chest and she's not wearing a bra.

"You're not using a bra to make things easy for me?" I tease. "Hm, you had your way with me a few hours ago. I think it's enough for today"

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