Just like magic

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Jo's POV

I've been seated on the ground of my bathroom floor for thirty fucking minutes now.

I have never in my life puked this much, I'm exhausted physically and mentally.

I have tears in my eyes with the possibility of being pregnant, it's not like it's impossible because it clearly isn't but I don't really know how to feel right now.

He's in San Diego for work and I'm here with Mia waiting for a fucking miracle.

"I'm going to buy a pregnancy test and I'll be back soon" Mia says from the door. I put my hands on my head, I was literally fine this morning.

"You don't need to, I have a few ones here but I already took care of this" I tell her as she sits next to me.

"Have you ever taken one? And what the fuck did you do?" she chuckles.
"Yes I have and I don't know why you're laughing" I roll my eyes.

"Because it's probably just another scare! Just take one already" she grabs one and throws it at me.

"The other times I took one because my period was late for like two days. Now I'm one week late and fucking nauseous" I smile sarcastically.

"It was freaking time for a baby anyways" she says.
"Why?" I laugh.

"I just want to be an aunt, and you and Hero love each other so damn much is actually gross sometimes. You guys need to expand that asap" she rambles.

"Oh my God, Mia!!" I laugh my ass off.
"It's true, I bet you're already missing him and dying inside" she rolls her eyes.

I am, but I'm not telling her.

"No" I say but I don't look at her. "Don't lie, I'm calling him" she tells me but I grab her arm before she gets up.

"I almost forgot, what did you mean you took care of business?" She asks me.

"I went to my doctor and did a few exams, she's sending me the results any minute now" I tell her.

She nods and my phone starts ringing. It's Karli, one of our friends.

"Hi" I say.
"Hi, Jo. Everything okay?" she asks me.
"Yeah, why? You seem weird"

"Ahm well, I was with Jamie a few minutes ago and she got a really weird call. Some nurse from a hospital told a magazine you were pregnant and they called to confirm it and said they were going to publish the issue next week"

"W-what?" My voice cracks and my head starts to spin. "What did Jamie say?" I ask worriedly.

"She didn't say anything, she's trying to take care of this but she called Hero before I called you and he didn't really answer"

"Fuck" I whisper. What fucking nurse did this?
"Karli, I'll call you back in a minute. Hero's calling" she says bye and I look at the screen with Hero's name on it.

I let it ring because a message from my doctor drops.

Doctor: Congrats, Josephine! 6 weeks and counting. Lets keep it on the low till 12 weeks for precaution. Have a good evening, see you soon.

"Jo, Hero's calling me" Mia says.
"Mia, I'm pregnant" my voice cracks and I start crying. She grabs my phone and reads the text.

"Calm down, breathe and answer him. He must be worried" she kisses my head and leaves me alone.

"Hi" I say softly.
"Baby, why didn't you answer me?" he says worriedly.

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