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Jo's POV

I've been carrying this baby for almost ten months, I can't wait to get him out.

My mom and mom-in-law both told me the last few weeks are the worst, when you can't literally do anything and you don't have a position to be comfortable.

Hero bought me one of those pillows and they helped at first, but right now I just want this baby out.

"Are you still feeling cramps?" he gently asks me as he sits next to me on the couch. "Yes. It seems like period cramps" I sigh.

"You're past your due date, baby. We should go to the hospital" he says. "They are going to sent me home, I feel the baby moving so it's fine" I say.

"You're in so much pain, let's walk a bit to exercise" he stands up and grabs my hands. "Ugh, I hate you" I grumble.

"I know you love me, thank you so much" he says, making me laugh. "Look what you did to me!" I giggle as we both look to my huge belly between us.

"It takes two to make a baby" he says, playfully. "He's going to like football just like his dad, the amount of kicks he gives are terrifying" I chuckle.

"Of course he will, he's going to be just like me" he says confidently. "Well, he sure as hell is big" my belly is huge, I never thought my belly would be this big.

"Jo, your waters broke" he says suddenly. I look down and I see a pool of water on the ground. Oh my goodness, it's happening.

Out of nowhere, I feel a sharp pain and I almost fall on my knees. He grabs me before I fall and sits me on the couch.

"I'm going to grab the hospital bag, hold on" he kisses my forehead and runs to our bedroom.

It's my first contraction and it was painful as hell, I don't know how I'm going to do this.

"Remember to focus on your breath" he says as he kneels in front of me after grabbing the bag. "It was my first contraction, we can't go to the hospital yet" I breathe slowly, I can feel the contractions coming again.

"I don't care, it's our first pregnancy I won't take any risks" he says seriously. "If I don't dilate quickly, I'll be there hours and hours" I panic. "And I'll be there with you, don't panic" he grabs my hand and squeezes it.

I close my eyes as another contraction hits me, I let a small tear drop. "I'm here" he whispers as I focus on the pain.

"Let's go" I say, my voice full of pain.
I'm ready or I think I am, to give birth to this baby.


"I can't do this anymore" I cry as another contraction hits me, every time worse and worse. "Yes, you can" he tells me.

This man hasn't left my side. I love him with all my heart, he's the reason I'm still going strong through this.

"It's been 29 hours and I'm still not dilated" I look into his green eyes, I know if he could he would take my pain away.

"Josephine, you can have a shower to ease the pain" my midwife says. At this point, I'll take absolutely anything.

"I want the epidural as well" I tell her. She nods and leaves Hero and I alone.

He helps getting down but as my feet touch the ground I stop. "What's wrong, baby?" he immediately asks.

"I'm feeling another one coming" I close my eyes. "Bend over to the bed" he says. I do what he tells me and he puts himself behind me, massaging my lower back.

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