Get Well Soon- Part 1 (request)

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"Are you okay?"

I probably asked him this over a thousand times these past couple of weeks. I'm sure he was getting sick of me, but I just couldn't help it. I worried so much about him.

"I'll feel better once I'm back home with you."

Ringo mumbled, his voice was still a little raspy.

Two weeks ago he finally agreed to go to the hospital after nearly fainting at the studio. He had been experiencing bad throat pains and a cough that just wouldn't go away. He brushed it off, assuming it was a cold but it turned out he had a pretty bad case of tonsillitis.

Even though the procedure was just a straightforward, run of the mill tonsillectomy, I'd been at the hospital every since day since. I wanted to take care of him the best I could. Today he was being released, and I was so eager for him to come home I almost felt dizzy from the anticipation.

"I'm so ready to get out of this bloody hospital!"

He muttered, propping himself up so he could sit on the edge of the bed. He reached down to the ground to retrieve his bag of garments.

"Ringo! Let me get that for you!"

I said, rushing over to pick up the bag for him. He laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

"Even though you're being released, you still need to rest!"

I asserted, wagging my finger at him as if he were a helpless puppy. I knew I was babying him, but I just wanted to help. He meant everything to me.

"Y/N, if you want to help me why don't you untie this godawful gown. I want to get back in my own threads."

Fair enough

I thought to myself as I shuffled around his bag, finding him a pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. He stood up so I could pull the the ties of his gown easier, and dropped it to the floor. I felt a desire for him rise within me as I gazed at his perfect body. I couldn't resist running my hand along the small of his back. He was so warm and soft.

"You alright back there?"

He asked me. I gulped, feeling embarrassed at my thoughts. Ringo had been in the hospital the past couple of weeks, so we hadn't been able to delight in each other's bodies at all. I longed to touch him. To taste him. I needed to snap out of it. He still had some recovering to do.

I grabbed the shirt from the bed and handed it to him to put on. He buttoned it up painfully slow, and I was trying my hardest not to show how disappointed I was that he was covering his gorgeous chest.

He winked at me as he swiped his pants off of the bed and slid his legs into them.

"This is a private room, ya know."

Ringo sneered, reaching out to place his thumb between my cleavage. I wanted him to keep touching me so badly, but I swatted his hand away.


I shouted. He laughed at me.

"I know, I know. I just miss you so much."

"I miss you too. I promise once you're home I will take care of you in every way."

I smiled at him, reaching my arms out to caress his shoulders. I leaned into him to plant a gentle kiss on his lips.

"You're too good to me."

He said, cupping my face in his hands.

1 hour later

"I had George pick up your prescriptions, I've got your favorite ice cream in the freezer, and the sheets are nice and clean waiting for you to lay in them!"

I explained, he smiled as the nurse pushed him through the hospital hallway in a wheelchair. We had to go through a back door to avoid the crazed fans awaiting him by the front of the hospital.

As soon as we got in the car the scent of his cologne immediately intoxicated me. I had missed his sweet, musky aroma. The hospital just smelled like... well... a hospital.

I couldn't help but become aroused by not only his smell but his presence in general. I'd missed him terribly.

After driving for what felt like forever, we finally arrived at our flat. Once we got in the door Ringo immediately went to the bedroom to change into his favorite silk pajamas. After he got comfortable he plopped himself in the middle of our king bed.

"It's so good to be home!"

He sighed happily, propping the pillows up just the way he likes them. I walked over to the bathroom to find the bright orange bottle of pain pills. I fished one out and got him a glass of water, then went back to our room.

"Here love, you have to take your evening dose."

I said, handing him the prescribed pill and cup. He struggled to get it down, as he always did. Ringo hated taking pills and would swallow dramatically every time. I always found it hilarious.

He sat the glass down on the nightstand beside him and patted my side of the bed.

"Come here. I want to lay with my girl. I've missed you so much."

I smiled, blushing ever so slightly. I cuddled up in his arms and listened to his heartbeat, something I'd longed to do for weeks.

We laid there in silence for about half an hour, just enjoying each other's touch. Ringo and I both started to get sleepy. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, and it was already 10:45 pm.
It had been a long day.

"I love you so much Y/N. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you most. You do such a great job taking care of me."

He cupped my face and kissed me passionately for the first time in a long time. He hadn't been able to after surgery. It felt absolutely magical.

"I cant wait to make love to you again, but I really think I'd like to get a good nights sleep with my love in my arms. Is that alright?"

He mumbled, his eyes were drooping as he yawned repeatedly. As much as I wanted to pounce him, he did need to sleep. I nodded in agreement and kissed him once more.

"I love you so much, Rings. Get your rest."

He smiled at me.

"Alright, but tomorrow you're all mine."

To be continued

THANK YOU Marmaladeskies67 for another awesome Ringo request! I decided to break it up into two parts, I hope that's alright. I wanted there to be more of a build up. Enjoy!!!!

Ringo Starr Smuts & Maybe Sometimes a Little Fluff Where stories live. Discover now