In My Life

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"Mummy! Mummy! One more pleeeeease"

I sighed and smiled at my precious son, then looked over to my husband who gave me a reassuring wink.

"Okay Ritchie baby, but this is the last one! What book would you like me to read?"

He thinks for a minute, closing one of his eyes and scratching his cheek. It makes me giggle because his father does the same thing when he's pensive.

"Tell me how you and daddy met!" He says excitedly.

My cheeks immediately flush red. I swallow the lump in my throat and look at Ringo. We smirk at each other, then look back at our son.

"Okay buddy." Ringo began. Ritchie sat up and listened intently.

"So Mummy was a big fan of daddy's band. She thought he was the bees knees!" He nodded, and Ritchie smiled. "She had lots of posters in her room of daddy, just like you have posters of your favorite movies!"

I rolled my eyes at him and grinned.

"One day she came to one of me concerts and I saw her in the crowd. She was in the very front row." He continued. "And she was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen!" Ringo gazed at me and smiled. We both got lost in our stare before Ritchie snapped us out of it.

"Then what happened?"

"Right! Well I knew I had to meet that pretty girl, So I had your uncle George go down and get her, because I was too nervous!"

Ritchie giggled and hugged his pillow.

"Then she came backstage, we had a chat, and I knew right then and there she was the one." Ringo looked at me again with the most adorable gleam in his eye.

Once again we forgot all about our son who was patiently waiting for the next part of the story.

"Come on daddy!" He huffed.

"Sorry, Sorry." He cleared his throat.

"So then your mummy and I hung out backstage and talked about all kinds of stuff. She was a very interesting girl." He emphasis of the word "very," made me smirk.

"After we spent some time together I invited mummy back to my place and..." he paused, suddenly realizing that the next part of our story wasn't at all child friendly.

"And?" Ritchie asked, staring at his father with a puzzled expression.

Ringo took a second to make up a story.

"And we watched cartoons and ate lots and lots of ice cream until our bellies were full!" Ringo laughed, and Ritchie did too. They had the same sweet chuckle and it melted me into a puddle.

"More! More!" Ritchie demanded as he watched the two of us.

"That's pretty much it! After that your mummy and I knew that we wanted to be together forever. So we got married! And then we had you!" Ringo wiggles his fingers and dives them into Ritchies tummy, tickling him until he falls over in bed.

"Ahahahahaha!" Ritchie roars with laughter, smiling at Ringo as he tucks him into bed.

"Please tell me more stories!"

"No, no buddy. It's time to get some sleep. You've heard enough!" Ringo winks as he lovingly pats him on the head.

"But daddy!"

"No 'but daddys' it's time for bed." Ringo asserts, picking up Ritchies teddy bear and laying it next to his tiny body.

"I love you, boy." Ringo says as he kisses him on the forehead. "Goodnight!"

Ringo Starr Smuts & Maybe Sometimes a Little Fluff Where stories live. Discover now