Shall we?

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We drove in a comfortable silence. Her eyes never left the road in front of her and she was a very concentrated driver. Every now and then she would drum her fingers on the steering wheel and move her head slightly to the music.

I couldn't help but glance at her every now and then, she didn't seem to notice my staring which was good for me. I couldn't help it. She looked damn good when she was driving.

I'm aware that I'm being creepy. But she's just so gorgeous. It's difficult to put into words how beautiful she is. Of course, her physical appearance is nothing short of perfect. Her flawless figure is accentuated by everything she wears. But it's her personality that really sets her apart. She's thoughtful and caring. She genuinely cares about her students, and I have never met anyone else who devotes so much time to them.

I was so preoccupied with admiring her sharp jawline that I didn't notice we'd already pulled into a parking space next to the café. She reached down to pop the clasp that held her seatbelt in place as I blinked a few times. The sound of her seatbelt being unfastened jolted me out of my trance.

"You good?" She was staring at me awkwardly, and I internally palmed myself. I was already doing a poor job of not allowing her to distract me. Her fault for being so damn cute though.

"Y-yes! I'm good... I'm good! Shall we go in?" What the fuck Lisa. Who says 'shall we' anymore!

She chuckles lightly and opens her door. "I guess we shall." She really emphasises the 'shall' and I know she's doing it to poke fun at me. But, I just sit and watch her hoist herself out of the car, wondering how she can be even more attractive when she's around cars. Like, usually I'd say she's cute with her pastel coloured clothing and light skin, but when she's in cars wearing black... she's fucking hot.

Like when she told us she has two names and I thought each name could bring on another personality. It was like her during class when she was all smiley was Chaeyoung. But, when she was driving and her jawline just looked so perfectly sculpted, that was Roseanne. God, this is killing me already and we haven't even entered the café yet. She slams the car door shut and I'm quick to follow in her lead.

How the hell does she walk so fast? I'm jogging after her like an idiot and my shoes are making such a large commotion on the wooden café floors that I'm sure people are looking at me. Although it wasn't very busy this afternoon. Only a few people here and there. An elderly lady sat near the door, a family with two children sat near the counter, and two middle-aged men sat in the lounge area near the side door.

Miss Park and I walk over to the table by the window; if it's free, we usually sit there with Jennie and Jisoo because it's larger and has more room for our books. "I'm going to go and get a coffee. Do you want anything?"

I pause for a few moments, but I'm not picky about my coffee. "Um... just get me whatever you're getting please. I'll pay you back."

"Lisa there's no need. It's just a coffee" She shakes her head and walks over to the counter. I keep an eye on her the entire time she's placing her order. Her back and side profiles are just as beautiful as her front. She was perfectly shaped, so delicate and beautiful.

I pull myself together and unzip my backpack so I can begin preparing the table for our study session. I take out my notepad, English novel, laptop, and pencil case before realising I've left no room for Miss Park's belongings. With an inward groan, I begin shuffling all of my belongings around to make room for her.

"It's okay Lisa, I've only got my laptop and a notepad. You don't have to leave that much room for me".

Her voice startles me yet again because I didn't notice her silently approaching the table with two coffees in her hands. I leap into the air and place my hand on my chest. "You're quite jumpy aren't you?" Now she's laughing at me. "Am I really that scary?"

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