Can I have your number?

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I had been waiting out the front of Lisa's house for a good 15 minutes now and still no sign of her.

"Is she sick or something?" I turn to Jisoo in the passenger seat who just shrugs.

I go to honk one more time and I've probably made an enemy out of myself to these poor neighbors, when Mrs Manoban opens the front door and makes her way towards my car.

"Goodmorning girls. Lisa isn't coming to school today." Her tone was blank, angry even. Was Lisa in trouble?

"Is she sick?" Jisoo speaks over me from the passenger side of the car, concern consuming her voice.

"Yes, she had an upset tummy through the night. She's just resting now. But have a good day you two!" She dismisses is like she was in a hurry. Turning her back on us and strolling up to her front door. Something was odd. Mrs Manoban was acting... different.

Once Mrs Manoban has shut the door behind her I turn to look at Jisoo. "Did she seem weird?"

"Yeah she seemed weird!"


"Oh my god!" I look over at Jisoo who scream whispered in my ear and direct my eyes towards whatever it was that she was looking at. "Miss Park looks like shit!"

The woman at the front of the classroom looked exhausted, you could tell she hadn't slept a wink last night due to the giant bags she was sporting. Her eyes were red and puffy like she'd been crying.

"Goodmorning everyone." Her voice had no tone. Literally nothing. "I was a little sick last night so I didn't get much sleep please bear with me! Okay... I'll just call the role and we'll get into it".

Each student answered their name on the Role after Miss Park called it. That was, until she got to Lisa's name.

"Lisa?" Her eyes flickered up towards my best friends usual chair which today, was unoccupied. "No Lisa today?"

"She's sick Miss" Jisoo calls out. Miss Park just nods, her expression unconvinced and hurt. Had something happened to them?

She was quiet for the rest of the lesson, but also fidgety. Eyes flickering up to look at Lisa's vacant chair while she picked at her hands. She looked hungover if I'm going to be honest.

When the bell rang the class filed out, but Jisoo and I made sure to pack up as slow as possible so we were left alone with her. She hadn't even bothered to get up from her desk to say bye to the class, something she does every single lesson no matter what.

"Miss what's wrong? Lisa isn't here and no offence but you look like you crawled out of someone's ass!"

"Jennie!" Jisoo tugs at my arm and I realised that I might have been a bit harsh.

"Sorry.... just... what's going on?"

Miss Park slumps back in her chair, looking at us for what seems to be the first time today. Oh my god her eyes look so dead.

"Two weeks ago I got a text message from an anonymous person. They said that they knew about me and Lisa. I didn't tell her straight away because I didn't want to panic her..." The woman in front of us pauses, allowing us to comprehend what just came out of her mouth.

"But after a few more messages I realised who it was... my ex boyfriend James. He's an asshole. He abused me physically, mentally, sexually, and emotionally for years... and now he knows about Lisa. So I told her who it was and about the messages..."

I covered my mouth in shock. What the fuck. He could be dangerous!

"And then on Saturday Lisa told me that she wants to tell her mum about us before James gets to her... so we did that." Her voice cracks and tears well up in her eyes. "And Mrs Manoban lost it... I haven't heard from Lisa in 2 days and I haven't slept. I don't know what I can do... I miss her already."

Doing one of the most frowned upon things once can do with a teacher at school, I walk around to the side of her desk and pull her into a hug. She burst into tears and sobbed into my shirt while I rubbed her back gently, Jisoo watching the whole scene with wide and sympathetic eyes.

"Can I have your phone number?"

Miss pulls away from me and raises an eyebrow. "Uh sure."

"I'll go over to Lisa's this afternoon to give her the notes and homework! And I'm guessing she's had her phone taken away. So you can text her from mine."

Miss nods and takes my phone from my hands, punching in her number before locking it and handing it back to me.

"You'll talk to her soon, okay?"

Where are you guys from? I'm genuinely curious 😂 I was looking at my story Stats the other day and the map was blue in heaps of places!

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