Janah|sugar baby

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update: I changed all of my mistakes and made some things more logic :)


◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗ (◠ᴥ◕ʋ)

Jack was a slave in a place where they sold people. He hated this place with all his guts. He wanted to get out of here as soon as possible and then ran away from his owner and have a normal life.

Today was the day when boys were put on a sell. They were cleaned and put in a tight boxers so their ass will look nice, their hair were finally clean and styled. All of them had a sticker with a number, Jack's was 19.

Different men were coming to the huge room with a stage, the music was kinda sexual but it wasn't too loud. Jack waited and waited for his turn to go on the stage, he hope that he will be sold today.

"The next boy is numer 19!!" said the auctioneer "it's Jack Avery, come here Jack!"

He went on stage with an angry face, but with a little bit of hope of being sold. He looked at the man that was starting to introduce the him, he was elder and had a black suit.

"Jack is 18 years old, he is submissive but he is always saying that he's a dominant, he's not a virgin, he is really confident, but look at his ass, jack turn around." the auctioneer said making a huge smile.

Jack groaned but turned around, he heard whistles from the audience and he turn back to them rolling his eyes.

"Ok let's start with a thousand dollars!"

So many different people were saying higher and higher prices, but then one of them said 15.000$ and everyone went silent, jack looked at him, h was sitting in the first row. He was about 40 years old, he hoped that someone will say higher amount of money, he disgusted him. The seller wanted to say that jack is his, but then a tall men with brown hair said 20.000$ and he won.

Jack didn't saw him very well so actually be didn't know who his owner will be, but he was happy it wasn't that old prick from before. He was took of the stage and they put on him white a t-shirt and a black jeans with vans.

Two guards took him outside of the building and they put him in the black expensive car. After a few minutes of waiting the door to the back seats opened and he saw his owner, he had a green eyes, brown hair, sharp jaw and expensive clothes of course. He sat next to jack leaving one seat between them.

"Hello I'm your owner now, I'm Jonah Marais." jack rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Whatever." he huffed looking out of the window.

Jonah didn't like when somebody behave like this to him, he grabbed younger's jaw and turned him head to his face.

"Babyboy I will not tolerate this behavior, you will respect me or I will give you a punishment on your first day." Jonah growled, jack again rolled his eyes wanting the older boy to see it.

Mad Jonah grabbed Jack's arm and he pulled him on his lap, he was shocked and he groaned when he landed on Jonah thighs.

"We will talk in my house about your behavior but I heard that you think you are a dominant huh? So I think your punishment for now will be sitting on my lap which I heard and know doms don't like." Jonah smirked at Jack, when he saw his face and he heard a tiny whimper from his sub's mouth.

Maybe from now he will be nicer for him. After one long for jack hour they arrived to Jonah's house, it was a huge building and it looked really expensive. They went inside and Jonah took him straight to their bedroom.

"Okay, so this is our bedroom and i will tell you the rules since you are the bad boy." Jonah said, jack just looked at him and nodded still feeling embarrassed about sitting on his lap.

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