24. sweater weather

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Y/n had a bad cramp during her period. Loki made it his mission to make things better for his friend. Or at least he made it his mission to be less annoying as he could.

Not being annoying really wasn't Loki's strength.


At first Loki didn't understand; it wasn't something they had on Asgard - wasn't something he had to deal with monthly. That's why he kind of... had no idea how to react when he first... found out.

Nothing too personal, nothing too up close. It was that he had this power, ability, magic (whatever) that told him when something was wrong with anybody around him.

"You're bleeding," the God blurted out at the dinning table as they - the Avengers - were having breakfast together.

(it was Tony's therapist's idea - weeks ago Stark finally agreed to go to a therapy so he could deal with his PTSD and other issues properly. She - his therapist - suggested it was highly important the team met under other circumstance that wasn't in a mission in order to... know each other, become friends - it's all about knowing you're not alone, it's about knowing you still have this family, that's what the shrink said.
And so Tony made it a rule; every Friday morning you have to be here, all of you, gathering together at the dinning table sharply at nine. No late. No excuse. Or else you're out of the compound)

"Like from your vagina," Loki added when y/n remained silent, and Captain Rogers choked on his coffee. Thor mumbled something along the line of, oh Loki, for the love of Odin, and Stark put his spoon down before he could bring the broccoli into his mouth with a look that said, I need another family, while Natasha pretended like she didn't hear shit.

"I am," y/n rolled her eyes, sighing loudly (she didn't know what would be a better way to respond - she was caught off guard, at least a little, but hey she wasn't the one embarrassing themselves here)

"So you're dying?" Loki asked, his voice flat.


"Plague? Contagious? Should I be concerned for my health?"


"Then why-"

"Because I'm on my fucking period, Loki."

That face. Loki looked like a lost puppy who was confused to the maximum (it was kind of... cute, the look on his face. That was until y/n reminded herself he was being a dumb fuck - an annoyingly dumb fuck)

"It's that time of the month."

The lost puppy face continued.

"It means, as a normal part of menstrual cycle, once in a month, a woman's hormones make the lining of the uterus thicker to prepare for a fertilized egg in case of pregnancy. If the egg doesn't get fertilized, that lining is released from the body as blood through the vagina."

"Alright," Tony held his hands up in surrender, "I'm out of here," and he walked out the door.

And Loki hadn't looked away from y/n as if he didn't trust her, as if he was afraid her body was going to suddenly explode with all her blood and insides splashed over every inch of the room.

"It's a monthly process." She shrugged, taking another sip of her tea.

"Will I have it too?" Loki asked after a long pause. He looked somehow spooked - probably by the thought of him bleeding through his penis.

And y/n had just thought finally, finally he stopped getting on my nerve, Loki had to ruin what might have been a not-too-suck morning for her by asking that question.

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