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Caitlin looks at Cisco, her hands in the pockets of her coat as we stood outside on the field behind the Labs, "That was too close."

"He told me to make it hard." Cisco replies, holding the tablet in his hands as he controlled the drone in the air that was shooting missiles at Barry.

I cross my arms, "Pretty sure he didn't tell you to make him dead."

"Remember, this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed." Dr. Wells points out, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

Then, Barry's voice came in through the comms, making us all look at Dr. Wells in permission, "Cisco, you gonna bring it or what?"

Dr. Wells softly smiled, "Bring it."

When another missile landed and exploded, knocking Barry off his feet, I nudge Cisco, "Stop bringing it-"

Cisco was too busy staring at Barry, who got up and stood tall, staring at the drone that came closer and closer to him.

Caitlin looked between us all, "Why isn't he running away?"

"Barry, run away." I whispered to myself when the missile starts making its way towards Barry, but he only ran to it.

Barry ran, grabbing the missile and tossing it back at the drone, as it destroyed in the air, Barry rubbing his arm as he walked over to us.

"You scared me!" I hit his other arm lightly when he comes over to us, "I thought you were about to get yourself killed!"

"And leave you without friendless? You should know me better-" Barry joked, as I hit his arm again due to his comment, as he ran into the van, changing into sweats, returning back over to us.

We all had our fare share of Big Belly Burger, as Barry sat across from me at the table, tossing what looked like his hundredth empty container to the side.

My eyes shift from the pile of all the paper boxes with the Big Belly Burger logo on them, and to him, holding my burger in my hand, "I haven't even finished mine-"

He was filling up on his 10,000 calories, and I was astonished at how quick he finished all of those burgers.

"You just ate $150 dollars worth of Big Belly Burger in five minutes." I had wide eyes, "I don't think I'm used to that yet-"

Barry winks at me while wiping his mouth, getting up, walking over to look at the screen in front of Dr. Wells.

"Very impressive, Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells said, "Your reaction to stimuli at super-speed continues to improve."

Barry sighs, "It's still not enough."

"It will be." Dr. Wells assured him, "You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time your man in the yellow suit comes around."

"I think you mean the Reverse-Flash." Cisco points at them and looks at me.

"I coined that!" I dust my hands off and walked over to them, crossing my arms, standing next to Cisco.

"She did- and I'll allow it because it fits-" Cisco proudly wraps an arm around me, noticing the looks we were getting, "What? He said it, not us."

"And he's right." I point out, "Yellow suit, red lightning, and evil the reverse of Barry. The Reverse-Flash."

Caitlin shrugs, "Meh."

Dr. Wells' lips turn up in a smile, "Actually, I kind of like it."

"I'm so good at naming speedsters-" I slip my hands into my pockets, "I mean- I coined The Flash And now the Reverse-Flash. I'm on a roll."

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