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"Okay, you guys- I'm here." Barry said to us through the comms, "You got my location?"

"You're good?" I asked, seated next to Cisco, sipping my coffee, "You don't need to, like, stretch or something?"

Barry replies, "No, I'm good, I'm good."

"Let's take this tachyon enhancer out for a test drive." Cisco said, referring to the device they had built after all the information Thawne had given Barry when he had went back in time to find out how to get faster to defeat Zoom; he had succeeded.

"Hoo, yeah-" Barry breathes heavy, "I feel that."

"That is the tachyon device powering up the Speed Force in your cells like a quick charge battery." Caitlin said, "How do you feel?"

Barry exhales, "Different."

"Let's see how long it takes you to get back here." Cisco signals, "On my count- three, two, one, go!"

My eyes stared at the his dot on the screen, watching as it zipped around repeatedly, "Damn-"

"Dang, this thing got you cruising." Cisco had the same reaction and expression that I did.

Iris asks, "How fast does he normally go?"

"Not this fast." Cisco shook his head.

Caitlin adds, "Not even close-"

"Are his vitals okay?" I asked Caitlin.

"Yeah, they're perfect." Caitlin points at the screen.

"Cool." Iris was amused, "It's like having a pit-stop attached to your chest-"

Barry's voice filled the comms, making us focus on him, "Guys, I can go faster-"

"Do it-" Cisco encouraged him.

Barry did exactly that, then runs into the cortex, taking off his mask, "I'm back- I- what, how long was I gone?"

Cisco got up quick, "Let's put it this way, you just annihilated your old record-"

Caitlin nodded, "Yeah, you went four times faster than you have ever been."

"Four times?" Barry's eyes widen, "That's as-"

"Fast as Zoom." Harry joins us, looking at him, "Well, faster actually."

"Hey, uh, do we think that, um, we can get this thing smaller?-" Barry took off the enhanced, "It kind of sucks-"

"If it sucks, then, yeah." Harry took it from him.

Barry claps his hands once, "All right, so- now all we have to do is figure out how to get back to Zoom."

"Yes, uh, just a- minor issue." I fake laughed, leaning against the console, "We closed all the breaches and have no idea how to reopen them."

Barry looks at Harry, "Um, Wells?"

"Yeah, I have an idea, Allen." Harry doesn't look at him, "Let's keep the breaches closed forever, forget about the breaches- forget about Zoom."

Barry stammers, "Wait, I'm sorry, I thought that you were on board with this."

"No- I said I would help you get faster." Harry faces him, "I did not say I would help you give the man who kidnapped my daughter and tortured her a chance to do it again."

Iris cuts in, "Hey, we are not gonna let that happen-"

"Oh, you're not gonna let that happen." Harry scoffs in surprise, "Gosh, I wish I'd known that the first time- you don't understand Zoom is different than us."

skinny love | barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now